A paper published in the journal PaleoBios, reveals that Mosasaurus was still alive.

in #animal3 years ago

There are many types of ancient animals that lived millions to hundreds of years ago on Earth. One of them is the scary Mosasaurus. Mosasaurus itself was a predator or marine carnivore that ate everything in the ocean, starting from dinosaurs that were swept into the sea to other Mosasaurus.

Recently, a fossil from a mosasurus was found in North Dakota and managed to rewrite the history of the dinosaurs. The Heel Creek Formal in the western United States is especially famous for the fossils of Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Pachycephalosaurus, and other dinosaurs that roamed the forests and swamps of the region 66 million years ago.

In one of these pockets of marine strata, they found a very strange fossil, which was a piece of the spine of an isolated creature. Seeing this, they took the fossil to be identified at the North Dakota Geological Survey.

After identification, they found that it was part of the jaws of Mosasaurus and added to the picture that the predator was still roaming the Cretaceous oceans until the day the asteroid hit. This is expressed in the conclusion of a paper in the journal PaleoBios.

Seeing this, Van Vranken as a paleontologist from WVU Potomac State College said that Mosasaurus was the cover of more than 30 million years of evolutionary history. He also commented on this.

"Early Mosasaurus descended from a monitor lizard-like ancestor that adapted to a marine lifestyle," he told the Smithsonian's website.