
in #animal6 years ago

Sparrows is a common name for a small group of grain-eating birds that spread in the tropics of the Old World and Australasia. These birds are now incorporated into the Estrildidae tribe, although some assume this group is a tribal (Estrildinae), part of the wider Passeridae tribe. [1] Previously, this group of birds was placed in manyarous tribes, Ploceidae .
The types of spikes (including dangelatik bondol) are happy to group, and are often seen moving and looking for food in large gangs. These birds have similar stature and habits, but the color of the fur is quite varied. Smallest size is owned by Nesocharis shelleyiyang body length about 8.3 cm (3.3 inches), although the lightest weight is Estrilda troglodytes (6 g). While the biggest is Javanese batik (Padda oryzivora), whose body length is 17 cm (6.7 inches) and weighs 25 g.

Most sparrows can not withstand cold climates and require warm habitats such as in tropical areas. But there are also some small types that adapt to cold environments in southern Australia. Pipit spawn 4-10 eggs, white, which is stored in the nest in the form of grass balls.
Here are some benefits of sparrows for human health:

  1. Overcoming watery eyes

Although not too dangerous but watery eyes can interfere with comfort and daily activities. There are many factors that can cause this like dust, tired eyes, allergies, flu, to the age factor. In addition to using drugs from your doctor can also try the consumption of sparrow meat is believed to overcome the watery eye. In addition, watery eyes can also be overcome with the benefit of a sparrow and the benefits of red betel leaf for the eyes.

  1. Eliminating the warts

Another sparrows benefit is to overcome or eliminate warts. How to? How to make a concoction of sparrow meat that has been mashed with a mixture of human saliva and then smeared on the affected body part of the warts. With routine treatment of warts that grow on the feet, hands, or other body parts will disappear by itself. In addition, warts can also be removed with the benefits of yellow frangipani and the benefits of tobacco.

  1. Increase stamina

Eating sparrows is also believed to increase the body's stamina so that the body feels more energetic in daily activities. Sparrow meat can be processed according to taste and consumed with rice like other side dishes. Other foods that can also be used to increase the stamina of the body diantaranyaman honey and benefits remayung.

  1. Boost immunity

Diligent eating sparrows in portions can also boost the body's immunity so that the body is not easily infected with the disease. Because as it is known there are many viruses and bad bacteria that are around us who are ready to attack at any time. With good immunity can protect the body from attack of virus or disease-causing bacteria. Immunity can also be improved by eating foods such as fish juaro and fish gindara benefits.

  1. Increase sexual arousal

Good sexual passion greatly affects household harmony. If you have a problem with this then you can try eating sparrow meat which is also known to increase sexual arousal. Another way that can be tried is to consume the benefits of honey ceng and cow kikil benefits.

Thus the benefits of sparrows are very diverse for human health. Starting from increasing stamina to affect the sexual arousal is very important to support the harmony of the household. Because it is very beneficial we should maintain the conservation of sparrows and do not consume excessively for the population to stay awake.