There is no animal model of autism.

in #animal3 months ago


This is misleading news. Don't be taken in by it. If you don't know the ultimate cause of something, you can't build an animal model of it. At best you can make something that superficially resembles it that might but probably won't have common underlying mechanisms.

In other words there is no animal model of autism, or for that matter schizophrenia, or attention deficit disorder, or Alzheimer's disease, etc... just things that we think resemble it.

When a disorder primarily manifests itself as disruptions of higher level behaviors it may be uniquely human. When it's primarily diagnosed through how the persons interactions with other people, through linguistic or social behavior, animals are going to be very superficial and most likely are not equivalent.

In general, be extremely suspicious of any cognitive or psychological disorder being modeled and researched in animals.


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