A Visit with Wings
A Visit with Wings

The Venezuelan capital is not only recognized for its heavy traffic and large neighborhoods, but also for the demonstration of coexistence that exists between these beautiful birds and city dwellers, demonstrating that man can coexist with nature without having to mistreat it.
The macaws are found in the municipality of Chacao, specifically in the vicinity of Cerro el Avila, the citizens who live in these surroundings have the privilege of receiving the visit of these beautiful birds, which approach the windows and balconies in search of food. and attention, this is undoubtedly an activity that separates you from the stress of the day, anyone who has contact with these animals, simply is enchanted and in love with these beautiful birds that the only thing they ask is a sunflower seed or any other fruit for the luxury of your company.Some citizens have chosen to make feeders on the terraces of buildings so that these animals can approach and eat, receiving help from man without the need to remain in captivity, this is an activity that in some way gives back to nature everything what we have taken from him.

This beautiful work helps to preserve the life of these birds, conserving the little fauna that still remains in the capital region, so you know, if you ever get to Chacao, remember to bring a bag of sunflower seeds with you because the most It is likely that a beautiful macaw will approach you.

"Thank you for your attention"