If you ever needed encouragement to post - #anhouraday

in #anhouraday6 years ago (edited)

start ~ 10:45pm

Well, if you ever needed a reason to post, perhaps it's @tarazkp's newest post.

There is the 30 hours a month idea where people should give themselves an hour a day of conscientious practice at a new hobby. The reason is that for many skills, improvement at the start is very fast and with consistency, one can cover a lot of ground and get relatively proficient enough that there is enough feedback to know whether continuing is on the cards.

Truthfully, I've got so many drafts from the last 2 months and I'm constantly torn between two parts of myself. The first, which wants to create and post freely, and the second which wants to refine and structure to perfection.

Of course, neither are right or wrong, and there is plenty of room between the two and regardless of where our pieces end up, it is better to post them than not (I think).

Anyway, enough about that. I'm going to take on this #anhouraday challenge.

It's a really great opportunity to drive myself to post and to also be a part of an initiative.

It will be interesting to see what people come up with.

Some of these posts will be done in one take and may not be edited at all and I might decide the title after I've written them - I really like the idea of this because when I write, I feel I'm having a conversation with someone, and it feels wrong to go back, cut and edit what's said. You can see this in my earlier "One-take blog:.." posts.

Of course, I do edit my pieces; it's just that I enjoy the conversational aspect of my writing; and I think this could be one of my strengths.

I'm going to use this opportunity to give some relevant context to my life.

You're going to be hearing from me every day perhaps for the next 30 days. I've wanted to post consistently for a while and I succeeded back in May for a little while and I fell off for various reasons.

But it's time we live outside of our minds, don't you think?

12 June, today.

Right now, it's 10:53PM in Eastern Australia and today, there was some sort of an event for me, it was the first official day of my new job. (yay)

Previously, I half mentioned I was working at a startup on my days off and well, last Thursday they offered me a job. I spoke to my boss on the Friday, who had been aware of my extra work on the side, we wrote an official resignation letter together and dated it back 2 weeks prior and just like that, I had my last day the next day.

It was a sudden change and I haven't properly said goodbye to my old work friends, I'll be seeing them this Friday night for a meal and a drink.

What's the new job?

Well, it's a tech startup which is implementing a cryptocurrency into it's platform, so I'm pretty excited.

I'm given the opportunity to bridge the gap between cryptocurrency and the mainstream and aside from educating the public on what the technology is, I hope to be an advocate for the correct use of blockchain.

What's it like leaving the old job?

This is something I want to voice and do want to write about, something like, "When you realise you're in the wrong place."

Not to say I was working with bad people, I love the people I worked with; it's more the environment them and I were in and the system we were contributing towards.

I finally get to leave a job that conflicted with who I am and who I want to be on a very deep level. Although the work was somewhat easy and extremely well paid for what it was, it conflicted my beliefs so much, causing a lot of anxiety.

And now, I get to look forward. After my last day on Saturday, I had 2 days off before my new start, one of which I spent in the sun on my yoga mat with a note pad (on psychedelics) - this would have been a great opportunity to write but honestly, I haven't been in a consistent posting flow, so it didn't make sense - #anhouraday will make this a lot easier for me.

I've taken a 32% pay cut with this job so honestly, I've put myself in a tough spot financially, I live alone, so I really have to cut down my spends.

I started by cancelling some subscriptions I had and withdrawing all of my monthly donations to various charities, and I've prepared my lunch for tomorrow, so that's a win :)

We're at 800 words now, so let's cut it here.

Thanks to all participants of the Steem blockchain, I've read some really incredible content here over the last month while I've been quiet and I appreciate all of you working to share your value with the world, you're all awesome.

Let's see how #anhouraday goes, shall we?

fin 11:30pm


Congratulations on the new job! I definitely know what it's like to take a pay cut to do something that's more aligned with your values and who you are as a person, and it's not easy.

Enjoy it, and give yourself more time for rest and self-care than you think you should. You literally have to grow new dendrites and strengthen neurons that didn't get used before anytime you learn a new habit, and that work can be exhausting!

Thank you!

Luckily I'm given quite a lot of autonomy with the new role so I feel I can give myself what I need when I need it, which gives me more energy to knuckle down when I need to, so I'm pretty excited.

Thanks for the kind words :)

A new day, a new job. Like a new season, can be refreshing.