in #angel8 years ago

In the beginning of time God created spiritual beings, the angels, out of nothing. The existence of angels was denied by the Sadducees; and also by the materialists and rationalists in all times. Modern rationalists explain the angels as personification of divine attributes and activities.
Acts 23:8 - “For the Sadducees say that people will not rise from death and that there are no angels or spirits; but the Pharisees believe in all three.” (GNB)

Greek “angelos” and “logos”
Latin “angelus” / Spanish “angel” = angel
Greek “logos” = logy, study or discourses

A) Angelology is a branch of theology which deals with study of the existence, origin, nature, and the occupation of angels, in Christian concept.
B) Angels are pure spirits, the highest and most perfect of God’s creatures, who exists as an individual person with intellect and freewill but, unlike man, has no bodily parts that can be perceived by senses.
Heb 1:14 - “What are the angels, then? They are spirits who serve God and are sent by Him to help those who are to receive salvation.” (GNB)

Angels are created in the state of innocence, happy and endowed with excellent gifts. But there happy state did not render them incapable to commit sin.
2Pet 2:4 - “God did not spare the angels who sinned, but threw them into hell, where they are kept chained in darkness, waiting for the Day of Judgment.” (GNB)


  1. Angels are pure spirits. A pure spirit means one without a material body, and in that sense even demons are pure spirits. Our Lord himself said: “A spirit hath not flesh and bones (Lk 24:39). When angels or devils appear to men they assume human form or some other visible shape.
    Tob 12:15, 19 - “I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand in the glorious presence of the Lord, ready to serve Him; …when you thought you saw me eating, I did not really eat anything; it only seemed so.” (GNB)
    Eph 6:12 - “Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness.”

  2. Intellect of angels. Angels are wiser than man. Their knowledge is superior to that of man. As spiritual essences, the angels possess understanding. The intellect of the angels is, on account of the pure spirituality of their nature, more perfect than man, but on account of the finiteness of their nature, infinitely more imperfect than the knowledge of God:
    a) The angels do not know the secrets of God – 1Cor 2:11
    b) The angels do not possess knowledge of the heart. Only God knows the thoughts of the human heart – 1Kg 8:39
    c) Angels have no certain fore-knowledge of the free actions of the future – Isa 46:9; Mt 24:36; Mk 13:32

  3. The will of angels. Angels are endowed not only of the gift of intelligence but also of freewill like men. The freedom of the will is a presupposition of the fall, through sin, of the bad angels and of their eternal rejection (2Pet 2:4). When angels decided to be faithful or rebel against God, it is a final and lasting choice because of their superiority to men in terms of knowledge and intellect. The five wills of the leader of the fallen angels:
    Isa 14:12-14

  • “I will ascend into heaven”

  • “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God”

  • “I will sit also upon the mount of the
    congregation in the side of the north”

  • “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds”

  • “I will be like the Most High”

    Neither good nor bad angels, however, can by their own natural power know our thoughts unless we manifest them, through by our actions they can judge to a certain extent of what we are thinking.

  1. The power of angels. Angels in their nature are superior to all other creatures, possessing a higher perfection of power.
    A) Angels are superior in strength and power to men – 2Pet 2:11
    B) But they do not possess the power of creation and the power of working in the stricter sense. The power belongs to God alone. Devils can do some dirty tricks but not miracles.
    C) Angels are very strong – Ps 103:20
    D) One angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night – 2Kgs 19:35
    E) One angel slew 70,000 Israelites following the sin of David – 2Sam 24:15-16
    F) One angel thwarted the power of Rome, broke the seal and rolled away the stone from the tomb – Mt 28:2-4
    G) One angel will one day bind the devil and imprison him for a thousand years – Rev 20:1-3

  2. The language of angels. The angels have a language of their own. They can converse together in some way that we do not understand. St Jude tells us that Sts Michael the Archangel disputed with the devil about the body of Moses.
    Jude 1:9 - “Not even the chief Angel Michael did this. In his quarrel with the devil with insulting words, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!’” (GNB)
    1Cor 13:1 - “I may be able to speak the languages of men and even of angels….” (GNB)

The angels are commonly represented with wings to show the speed with which they carry the divine messages and pass from place to place. They are also portrayed as small children, to show their innocence and perpetual youth.
Ex 25:18, 20 - “Make two-winged creatures of hammered gold… the winged creature are to face each other across the lid, and their outspread wings are to cover it.” (GNB)

The beauty and glory of the angels surpass our understanding. St John was so overcome by the glory of an angel that, thinking him to be God, he fell at his feet – to adore him. When the angels appear to men they veil their refulgence, so as not to overpower them.
Rev 22:8-9 - “I, John, have heard and seen all these things. And when I finished hearing and seeing them, I fell down at the feet of the angel who had shown me these things, and I was about to worship him. But he said to me, ‘Don’t do it. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brothers the prophets and of all those who obey the words in this book. Worship God!’” (GNB)

Question: Are there many good angels?
Answer: Yes, there are countless hosts of good angels.
Dan 7:10 - “Thousands of thousands ministered to Him, and ten thousand times a hundred stood before Him.” (Douay Bible)
Rev 5:11 - “Again I looked and I heard angels thousands and millions of them! They stood around the throne, the four living creatures, and the elders…” (GNB)
Mt 26:53 - “Thinkest thou that I cannot ask my Father, and He will give me presently more than twelve legions of angels? (DB)
Heb 12:22 - “Instead, you have come to Mount Zion and the City of the Living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, with its thousands of angels.” (GNB)

According to the Apocalypse of St John, one third of Satan’s angels were wiped out from their dwelling place after the fall. Therefore we can conclude that two third of the heavenly hosts were faithful to God and in the state of beatific vision.
Rev 12:3-4 - “Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and a crown on each of his heads. With his tail he dragged a third of the stars out of the sky and throw them down to earth.” (GNB)

Some theological opinion says that there are three hierarchies of angels and each hierarchy is divided into three choirs; therefore, a total nine orders or choirs to the division of the angel.
These three hierarchies of angels are:

  1. The Supreme Angels
    Bear the names that indicate closeness to God. They form the innermost court in heaven.
    Tob 12:15 - “I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand in the glorious presence of the Lord, ready to serve him.” (GNB)
  2. The Middle Angels
    Their names posses power, strength, and might.
    Ps 103:20-21 - “Praise the Lord, you strong and mighty angels, who obey His commands, who listen to what He says. Praise the Lord, all you heavenly powers, you servants of His, who do His will!” (GNB)
  3. The Lowest Angels
    Their names bear close relationship to man.
    Job 33:23-24 - “Perhaps an angel may come to his aid – one of God’s thousands of angels, who remind men of their duty. In mercy the angel will say, ‘Release him! He is not to go down to the world of the dead. Here is the ransom to set him free.” (GNB)

A) The Supreme Hierarchy

  1. Seraphims. The closest to God’s throne and their occupation is loving God eternally. According to Prophet Isaiah, Seraphims have six wings.
    Isa 6:1-3 - “In the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the Seraphims; each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory.” (KJV)
    Lev 4:8 - “And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” (KJV)
  2. Cherubims. (Guardian of Paradise) Like Seraphims and Thrones, their occupation is adoring God unceasingly. According to the vision of Prophet Ezekiel, the Cherubims are creatures with four faces and four wings. They have the face of a Cherub, and the second the face of man, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.
    Ezek 10:14-15 - “And everyone had four faces: the first face was the face of a Cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.” (KJV)
    Gen 3:24 - “So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.” (KJV)
  3. Thrones. (Adoration of God’s changeless repose - cf. Eph 1:21-22)
    Col 1:16 - “For in him were all thing created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones…” (DB)

B) The Middle Hierarchy

  1. Dominations. (Sovereignty over all creation)
    Col 1:16 - “For in him were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether Thrones, or Dominations…” (DB)
    Eph 1:21-22 - “Above all…and Domination, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. And he hath subjected all things under his feet.” (DB)
  2. Principalities or Princedoms. (Authority over rulers and empires - cf. 2Kgs 19:35; 2Sam 24:15-16)
    Eph 3:10 - “That the manifold wisdom of God may be made known to the Principalities… in heavenly places through the Church.” (DB)
  3. Powers. (Power over evil spirits)
    Eph 3:10 - “That the manifold wisdom of God may be made known to the principalities and Powers in heavenly places through the Church.” (DB)
    Rev 20:1-3 - “Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key of the abyss and a heavy chain. He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent – that is, the devil or Satan – and chained him up for a thousand years. The angel threw him into the abyss, locked it, and sealed it, so that he could not deceive the nations any more until the thousand years were over.” (GNB)

C) The Lowest Hierarchy:

  1. Virtues. (Acts about nature such as miracles)
    Rev 7:1-4 - “After this I saw four angels standing at the fourth corners of the earth, holding back the four winds so that no wind should blow on the earth or the sea or against any tree. And I saw another angel coming up from the east with the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels to whom God had given the power to damage the earth and the sea. The angel said, ‘Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees, until we mark the servants of our God with a zeal on their foreheads.’” (GNB)
    Eph 1:21 - “… above all Principality, and Power, and Virtue, and Domination.” (DB)

  2. Archangels. (Ambassadors to men on important missions - cf. 1Thes 4:16)
    Lk 1:26-28 - In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy God sent the Angel Gabriel…, he had a message for a girl… the girl’s name was Mary. The angel came to her and said, ‘Peace be with you! The Lord is with you and has greatly blessed you!’” (GNB)
    Lk 2:9-10 - “An angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone over them, but the angel said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid! I am here with good news for you… your Savior was born – Christ the Lord!’”
    Dan 10:13 - “Then Michael, one of the chief Angels, came to help me, because I had been left there alone in Persia.” (GNB)

  3. Angels: (Guardian Angels, ordinary messengers to men)
    Mt 18:10 - “See that you don’t despise any of these little ones. Their angels in heaven, I tell you, are always in the presence of my Father in heaven.” (GNB)
    Ps 91:11-12 - “God will put his angels in charge of you to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands to keep you from hurting your feet on the stones.” (GNB)

    These are the theological opinions of early writers dividing the angels into orders among them. Yet, it is well to remember that the existence of these particular classes of angels is no article of faith.


  1. The word “angel” appears first in Gen 16:7, where the angel of the Lord ministered to Hagar after Sarah had mistreated her (ca. 1913 B.C.).

  2. Angels were created by God before the creation of man.
    Job 38:4,7 - “Were you there when I made the world? If you know so much tell me about it... In the dawn of that day the stars (referring to the angels) sang together, and the heavenly beings shouted for joy.” (GNB)

    The fourth Lateran Council in 1215, repeated by Vatican Council I in 1870, declares that angels were created before the creation of man.
    Col 1:16 - “For in him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible.”

  3. Angels came to minister to Jesus at the great temptation (cf. Mt 4:11)

  4. Jesus teaches the existence of angels (cf. Mt 18:10)

  5. St Paul also believed in angels (Col 2:18; 2Thes 1:7)


  1. In heaven – to honor, worship, adore and serve God unceasingly. (Rev 5:11-12, 4:8)
    offer to God the prayers of the saints. (Rev 8:3-4, KJV)
    offers the prayers of the people on earth for the dead. (Tob 12:9-12)
    singing hymn of praise. (Lk 2:9; Rev 4:8)
  2. On earth: running errands for the Lord.
    a) Showing Hagar a fountain (Gen 16:7-14; Gen 21:7)
    b) Appearing before Joshua with a drawn sword (Jos 5:13-15)
    c) Releasing chains from Peter (Acts 12:6-10)
    d) Opening prisons doors (Acts 16:25-27)
    e) Feeding, strengthening and defending God’s children (Mt 4:11; Lk 22:43; Dan 14:36)
  3. To exercise God’s judgments and purposes.
    a) To block Balaam’s pathway (Num 22:22)
    b) To kill Herod (Acts 12:23)
    c) To gather the sinful ones at the last judgment and burn them (Mt 13:41)
  4. To guide believers.
    An angel guided Philip to meet the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26)
  5. To assist, protect and strengthen living saints.
    a) Elijah (1Kgs, chapter 19)
    b) Daniel in the Lion’s den (Dan 6:22)
    c) Jesus in (Mt 4:11; Lk 22:43)
  6. To interpret visions (Dan 8:16-26)
  7. In accompanying our Lord when He returns (Mt 25:31; 2Thes 1:7-8)
  8. In taking the Lord’s children to heaven at death (Lk 16:22)
  9. The angels had a part in the giving of the law (Heb 2:2; Acts 7:53; Gal 3:19)
  10. To save people from all harm (Gen 48:16; Acts 27:23)
  11. To speak and work wonders in God’s name (Ex 3:2-6)
  12. As mediator between God and the prophets (Zec 1:7-17; Job 33:23-24)
  13. In announcing the birth of John and the birth of Christ (Lk 1:11, 26-35)
  14. In carrying the souls of a saintly persons to heaven (Lk 16:22)
  15. To witness the sufferings of Christians (1Cor 4:9)
  16. To present invisibly at the liturgical services (1Cor 11:10)

-At the present moment, the holy angels are in heaven (Mt 22:30)
-They are in the presence of God (1Tim 5:21)
-Being pure spirits, angels are sexless and unmarriageable (Mt 22:30; Lk 20:35-36)

-Angels and our first parents were both created perfect. Angels as spirit beings while Adam and Eve as human fleshly beings.
-But in other ways we are superior to angels now:

  1. Angels are not allowed to preach the Gospel – this ministry has been given to us – Gal 1:8
  2. Men will one day judge angels, referring to the fallen angels referred to by St Jude – Jude 1:6
  3. When the angels sinned the Lord did not provide a Savior for them – Mt 1:21


  1. Archangel Michael – Heb MīCā’ĒL, meaning “Who is like God” – Dan 12:1, 10:13, 21
  2. Archangel Raphael – Heb. REPā’eL, meaning “God heals” – Tob 8:1-3, 12:12-16, 6:15-16
  3. Archangel Gabriel – Heb. GABRi’EL, meaning “God is strong” – Lk 1:26-28


  1. A personal name, the name of one of the chief princes who assists Gabriel on behalf of the Jews against the prince of the Kingdom of Persia – Dan 10:13
  2. St Michael strengthens Gabriel – Dan 10:21
  3. The great prince who stands over the people – Dan 12:1
  4. St Michael is conceived as the heavenly spirit who watches over the Jews; and Prince of the Persians implies the conception of a guardian angel for each nation. St Michael is prominent in the apocryphal (doubtful) books in the role of protector of the Jews.
  5. In Jude 1:9, where Michael is called an Archangel, refers to a dispute between Michael and the devil concerning the body of Moses.
  6. St Michael is the leader of the angelic hosts in the battle between the dragon and his angel. In the Christian liturgy Michael is the protector of the Church and an Angel who escorts the souls of the departed in heaven, a Psychopompus – Rev 12:7:12


  1. He is one of the seven angels archangels in the book of Enoch (apocryphal book), probably one of the seven who stands before God – Tob 12:15; Lk 1:19
  2. In the book of Daniel, St Gabriel is an interpreting angel who explains the visions of the ram and the he-goat – Dan 8:16-26
  3. He too explained the meaning of the 70 years of captivity – Jer 25:11, 29:10; Dan 9:21-27
  4. St Gabriel appears in the infancy Gospel of Luke as the angel who announces the birth of John the Baptist to Zachary and the conception, birth, and mission of Jesus to Mary – Lk 1:11-20, 1:26-28
  5. St Gabriel appears several times in the apocryphal book of Enoch.

The name of angel Raphael plays a principal role in the book of Tobit:

  1. He is the guardian of the journey – Tob 5:1-20, 6:1-17
  2. He is the healer – Tob 11:1-15, 6:1-17
  3. He is the expeller of demons – Tob 6:15-17, 8:1-3
  4. He is one of the seven angels who offers prayers for God’s people and for the dead and enters the presence of the Holy One – Tob 12:15-16
  5. The character of St Raphael in the beliefs of Judaism is further disclosed in the apocryphal book of Enoch. This book exhibits two conceptions of archangels; one of the four angels (St Michael, St Gabriel, St Raphael, and Uriel or Phanuel; Enoch 9:1, Enoch 40:9, Enoch 70:1 ff) and the other seven archangels (Enoch 20:3). This is not found in our Bible.
  6. In the book of Enoch, St. Raphael the archangel is a hypostatization of the healing power of God, and there is no reason to think that he is anything else in the book of Tobit. The healing power is not limited to illness and injury; it also protects travelers and defends men from the attacks of demons who inflict corporal injury.

No practice is more consoling or uplifting to the soul than a sweet and constant familiarity with that faithful and loving angel who never deserts our side by night and day. We all take pleasure in the companionship of a true friend, but no earthly friend is as true, knows us so well, or does as much for us as our own guardian spirit. Wealthy people are able to have a valet or maid who is ever at hand to do their bidding; but wealth cannot procure the services of a resplendent angel, one of the unconquerable fighters of the celestial army. And yet we are ever accompanied, watched over, and loved by such an attendant and guard of honor; there is nothing our angel will not get for us if only it is for our good and we cultivate a tender familiarity with him. When in trouble, temptation, or anxiety, how consoling it is to have recourse to our angel! How he rejoices when we perform a good action, and how careful we should be when alone to do nothing that would make him sad or ashamed of us! Many holy persons salute their angel every hour of the day, and converse with him about all their affairs.


Sign of the Cross

“Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom his love commits me here,
Ever this day be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen

Sign of the Cross


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