A Practical Solution for the Anarchist and New Age Voluntarists

in #anarchy8 years ago

My response to the thread originally titled "A Practical Problem for the Anarchist and New Age Voluntarist etc. featuring @vuyusile by @gavvet posted originally in Anarchy

I know I am late to the thread, but a true disciple would read all they could find on the topic...

@gavvet I agree the missing diagnostics were not readily available, but they revealed themselves in time.

@gavvet to the question of "Why aren't more people blogging on steemit?"

I would gather not much to say, that would readily earn more than 2 cents, to encourage use. Also, I only recently classified myself as a blogger... a prerequisite for this maintainingy interest.

@everyone I am currently working on a feature film called "Western in Noir," that touches upon these topics in detail. My crowdfunding was a failure, but I have 50 minutes so far nevertheless.

@gavvet my laymen definitions, based primarily on etymology and dictionary definition would be

A. (American Heritage College Dictionary)

Anarchists - The theory or doctrine that all forms of government are unnecessary, oppressive, and undesireable and should be abolished.

Voluntarists (I imagine similar to voluntaryist) - Reliance on voluntary contributions rather than government funds, as for churches or schools

I agree with voluntarists assessment. However, I do not agrer with the definition of anarchy as it would be inherently impossible to remove all governing tennets. It would be more like autotonamocracy (not to be confused with autocracy, to my knowlede that word is a varia le whose meaning should be gathered through its ingenuity).

Anarchy assumes no ruler, when the latter, self ruler would be less absolute and restrictive, especially when taking connotation into account.

I personally have the connotation anarchy is just too absolute for my tastes, because its definition when referred to, is also so.

I have many real life solutions to real life problems which include social and political solutions @gavvet

If you stay tuned, and I see that (follow) I will begin.

@gavvett most online platforms are great boosters for extroverts, and pretty faces... early adoption is frequently critical to introvert success in x field. Thus I continue, though I have pennies.

@dantheman there is much to read, I fight to save the world because my parents belief in a higher power, led me to always be hopeful that there is a point to "nature," and good can emerge victorious although I may not be privvy to its movement. I am neither here or there on the topic, but I think my slight preference for wishing it was true, gives me an advantage.

I will need to read Eckhart Tolles later, as I am on a phone and writing from notes.

To the point of "How does the revolution march forward... anarchism/voluntarism" without state coercion is that until we can remove the burden of suffering, it is hard to punish criminals with no other means of survival, as ultimately, that is am inherent need for an organism to be considered living, if my knoeledge of the "9 elements," of life are correct.

To traverse Maslows hierarchy of needs is a quick way to see the steps required to reach the level of of intelligence for autodidactic behavior, which is essential for growth and survival, when training or education resources are not readily available, or palatable. Basic resources, love, etc. required for clear thought.

State has not failed, size of state is pass the size of general agreeability, my thoughts are redivide ourselfs according to beliefs and opt into core values until we can start slowly thinking of reconvening... this would be easiest done if one had access to all citizens as government does.

Next utility beyond blogging, funding good ideas, or rewarding each other for informatipn, or data as good as cash. Code snippets, etc.

@dantheman shame to deter murder would involve knowing what the individual considers shame, which will vary. I am reminded of Pulp Fiction when Zedd is torturing Marcellus Wallace. I think that was the worse thing that could have happened to him short of death.

My personal solution is that prisons should be more like little villages where they were all forced to depend on each other for survival and quality of life.

Essentially, hell begets heaven.

I believe governments role is to secure health and financial stability by ensuring there is beneficial work for all toward the ultimate success of the population. Let the poor go to designated available jobs and work for a meal that day, send them the jobs, instead if constant application rejections, etc.

Statism will ultimately be required in some capacity to aggregate the results data, although groups could be smaller, or leaders could be choosen to represent populations that had similar experiences, as opposed to money or popularity. What does welfare mom really need? Who needs welfare mom? Then connect.

@dantheman the government kills by enforcing laws they are in no position to understand, destroying hopes for employment with criminal records for self-inflicted crimes, or recreational drugs, etc. Yet, offers little help in instances such as stalking for example.

@nathanbrown pacifist revolution is possible via voting write in if enough people could be pursuaded, if leader dies, support platforms must be in place before leader is chosen. Not in humans, but in policy. Perhaps some aptitude tests should be use to compare voter nature and need with voting choices. Although ultimately i have my own specific ideas totally removed from anything I have or will give as a response thus far.

Will read "Better Angels of Our Nature," later.

@Nathanbrown, again I believe reduction of impetus for violence, with viable decent life quality while potentially permamently segregated from the populace at large is possible.

Wil also need to research democide later.

The oppprtunity in jobs in the world, must outweigh criminal prospects, or incarceration opportunity (some people live better in jailore used to it, etc)

@jonnyrevolution private venues should be used by state services for free during there downtimes for tax breaks I think. Like I have something I call "Field Day" where ypu get everyone in the zip code in the football field at once to discuss their issues. Let people come up to the podium, or vote via phones, tablets, etc. Sell government products where citizens get a bit of proceeds back, or have private institutions with from opinions from group do similar, which also creates higher quality product.

Community to community model will develop naturally as community deficiences are pinpointed.

Once everyome in the community gets used to each other and field day, I think people on the street when seeing random crimes are more likely to know the criminals. Also, people know there is hope for them, and they have a podium.

Food being there may help.

@jonnyrevolution the fact that the site is losing quality potentially from over cleaning may be an indicator people want open forums

@luke490 I do think knowing everyone is actively on the look out makes witnesses probably feel safer coming forward. Also, there is potential for some criminals to become "protectors," once neighborhood is family instead of just gang.

@kyriacos, police states may also be the result of increased media awareness, and the weight of people wanting "justice." For the most part property can be replaced, and policing should be more so for violent crime. Eliminating more drug busts for murder inquiries for example would be ideal.

@telos I share your fear of free state violence, however I think community awareness as a precursor would help. Also, less free state, more, what are our needs in this area, how do we get there government. Not prediscussed debate topic shenanagans.

@full-steem-ahead I agree the emergent property of prosperity should be a unifyimg driver worth testing, and a great first step even without a real plan.

@the-ego-is-you a system can continuously modified and changed, whereas a theory fails when it can be disproven. Thus an adaptable process, makes theory semi-irrelevant.

@prufarchy I am pretty sure that within the last 3500 years we all share a common ancestor (at least one) or is mitochondrial eve and the thought people could not have appeared randomly everywhere, thatbthat is illogical is caput?

@the-ego-is-you agreeing anarcho-capitalism over statism maintains better freedoms.

Was an interesting thread guys. Maybe I will forgoe my festival release to upload and present my film here first.


While I like what you are saying. I think we should all be aware that a true measure of crime is not possible because many will choose not to "come forward".