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RE: Blaming Things vs. Blaming People

in #anarchy7 years ago

Thank you for saying what many of us are thinking.

What I find 'ironic' is Emma Gonzalez is now saying that she's sorry that she bullied him. One of the largest mouths in the whole thing is part of the problem. I doubt the Hogg kid even knew him...seems beneath his station. Or was one of the biggest bullies he had.

It has been made very apparent that Cruz had several issues over several years. I don't think anything could have prevented this, except may people learn not to bully. Unfortunately that is never going to happen, pack mentality...attack the weak and different.

I don't have a problem with people owning any sort of gun. My ex was a Marine Corps sniper, he had a chance to get a MK-14 which is the predecessor to the currently used military weapon MK-16. I didn't have an issue with it. He was trained. He trained me, even though I did have some training when I was a kid.

No amount of laws passed are going to prevent criminals from getting their hands on guns. We can work to keep 'certain' types of people from being able to obtain them. When I say this, I am including myself in this group. If you have been diagnosed with PTSD, any type of depression with suicidal tendencies/ideation, anxiety disorders, a history of violence and so forth, I don't think you should be allowed access. I do understand that there are some with PTSD due to military service for some reason shooting helps, but if a flashback happens, what is going to stop you. You are never cured from these diseases/issues. You can relapse at anytime.

In fact, many of my friends have urged me to go get a gun now, especially since Colorado no longer requires a license for conceal and carry. As I mentioned, I don't think it is right for someone like me to own a weapon. I have the respect for what a weapon can do and I know the responsibility that I take on should I have one which is a lot more than most people.

I do think this is going to get a lot uglier before it gets better.


Nobody's suggesting you should get a weapon; just that you should be free to make the best call you can based on your own knowledge of your own circumstances.
We're not gun nuts. We're freedom nuts :)

Exactly. I just know that are people that do own them that truly aren't capable of making a sound decision, they have a fascination with guns. If I wasn't afraid of my flashbacks or depression. I wouldn't have an issue with having one. I have thought about it. I don't want to stand in the way of anyone else's freedom, but I do think there are certain people it's a recipe for disaster.

I don't think there really is going to be a solution that everyone will be happy with, but to take away that right, privilege and freedom is wrong.

Its important to recognise the limits of your capabilities.
The guys with an unnatural attraction to guns are going to do whatever they have to to access them, despite any bans.
Here in Australia they become cops.

It is. Sadly human nature is to place blame rather than accept responsibility. So true when someone has an unnatural attraction they will stop at nothing to get what they want.

Did that help anything? We don't hear much about cop shootings in Australia. Here it's another story, overzealous cops to being targeted.

No, it happens occasionally, but our cops aren't so worried about being shot.