Why Sometimes Acceptance Is The Only Solution

in #anarchy6 years ago


This is certainly not to be confused with the 'New Age' pseudo spirituality toxic ideology of literally just accepting ANYTHING and that there is no good or evil or right and wrong. That is seriously dangerous thinking and one many people who get attracted to that scene fall into. It is cowardice and total avoidance which really is at the root of the New Age movement. Just people running away from their own issues and that of the World, it gives them a free pass to stand by as the World goes up in flames just thinking happy fluffy thoughts about flying unicorns and gong baths!


This is not the type of acceptance I am talking about here, I am talking about if something is wrong then it absolutely must be changed, however, if you have gone as far as you can with something or a particular person then sometimes
choosing our battles wisely is the only option. At the crux of this issue is what many of us in the alternative media face and that is attempting to get others to see what we can see. (I don't like the phrase to wake someone up, the etymology of the word 'wake' means something you have after someone's death which indicates to me that this is a SPELL-ing which probably does the opposite of what we want it to do when we say it!)

I can talk first hand about this having fallen out in some way or another with most people in my life through desperately trying to get them to see the light. In hindsight, it has damaged me. It caused me no end of stress and frustration constantly banging the 'truth drum' only for it to fall on deaf ears. It made me a very angry person which only fed back into the Matrix and unseen forces.

There is that old cliche saying 'you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink' this is so true and I really wish I had listened to people when they said it to me. I don't think I will ever stop speaking my truth and I will never be
able to fully censor myself, but Ive found the best coping mechanism is just to walk away in the end.


If people cannot see the insanity right in front of their faces now then quite frankly they are ignoring it, and it matters not how much information you stick in front of their noses. You cannot make somebody care, they have to have that within themselves, some people will walk through the door you open and others won't. Those that don't will have to face the consequences whatever they maybe. It is their karma and you have done your job by showing them the door in the first place. Focus on new people to reach and just distance yourself.

The way I see things is that you're either on the field of play or you're not, and continuing to present golden eggs to blind ignorance and avoidance is only damaging you. Anyone not willing to enter the field of play is siding with the
enemy, its that cut and dry for me now. There doesn't have to be a big fuss or argument its just a mismatch is resonance.
Sometimes things are actually just out of our control and its learning to recognise if something can be changed or not, which then goes back to the previous point of protecting your energy. Continuing on with something that deep down you know is a waste of time is draining your energy. This applies to relationships and family too and nothing is more important than protecting your energy.

Tony Sayers

Love, care, courage.

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Agree with your words, right now im living a situatio very hard, but i can´t change that, so, then, I had to accept it, however sad and difficult it was.

Hopefully things will improve for you

I did not accept , i just walked away ;-)

My words where written down and stay there to speak for me .
The answer he didn't seem to get was already given .
For others to maybe learn a thing about my way of thinking .
Sadly i could not find reason in his response , only blame .
It's about the comment's ;-)


Peace m8

Sometimes its all we can do sadly

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