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RE: This is Rojava.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Excuse me if I sound uninformed but is it true that with Russia coming to some agreement with turkey, that their existence in NATO is in question? Is this a last ditch effort by the US to cater to turkey? Making the Kurds the sacrificial lambs so to speak. Oil along with turkey staying in NATO being more of the priority’s to this regime than staying loyal to the Kurds.


The kurds are anarchists, they were only used while they fit the statist narrative.
Isis bad, kurds good.

Now that they are not needed anymore, they will be sacrificed to larger goals.

The united snakes is only your friend when you serve their needs.

Anarchism cannot be allowed safe haven anywhere, if you are a statist.

The United States GOVERNMENT (actually PRESIDENCY) is only your friend when you serve their needs.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

Not really. Rule by force is actually necessary sometimes.

Defending yourself from attack is not ruling by force.

As long as nobody is aggressing against you there is no need to defend yourself with violence.

Absent those folks forcing these folks to comply there can be no violent conflicts.