in #anarchy5 years ago



The game is based on the assumption that there is a global settlement of power, The Pyramid of Evil, which manages all, absolutely all activities on the planet, using a predatory-of-resources-capitalist-system, including human resources.

It is important that you read this background, so that you become aware of who you are fighting against. You might have an idea, but the following will help you understand the incredible plot that these leechs wove to spoil your life, and it will give you many ideas for you to play and win.

This Pyramid of Evil consists of 7 levels and is managed by 25 people strategically distributed in descending chain throughout the pyramid, and whose decisions are those that allow the operation, unlimited enrichment and, ultimately, the total and overwhelming power of those 25, through an economic-social-educational system called capitalism, born in the French Revolution of 1789, but that gained a furious impulse and unleashed from the 80s of the 20th century, with the implantation of a devastating capitalist locomotive, based on the so-called "supply side economy".

Why is this capitalist system, so primitive and destructive, still standing today?

It is evident that there is inequality throughout the world, in each country with its social classes, the rich, the poor, and the middle classes. There is also a systematic and direct political management from many decades ago, a kind of World Organization that makes it possible for this “new Rome” not to fall, thus, making things to assure that there are more poor than rich.

The so-called "democracy" fulfills a fundamental factor in guaranteeing that inequality that capitalism feeds on: creating an illusion of election of ruling leaders in society and who are always from the same parties: the neoliberal political party of the rich that steals and handles the masses blatantly and the nationalist political party that supposedly represents the masses and governs in favor of people, but that is nothing more than a kind of false banner for common people, who have nothing left but to trust one or the other.

So why do you always have to choose between two sides of the coin? What if those two faces always represent the rich? Is there no other choice? Is a government of the people possible for the people?

Unfortunately in modern democracy this is not possible because it is designed only for the rich, a poor cannot access power. An individual in democracy has no power other than to choose who will manage his life for 4 or 6 years. An individual must be sold to the system as a product, delivering the 3 priceless things we are born with: body, mind, and time.

They prepare us since childhood to be able to do whatever they want with our bodies, feed us with toxic substances, inject drugs, give us pills with side effects, etc. The physical well-being of the person in the system does not matter. And not to mention mental well-being; they manage our mood through TV and the different media; if they want to provoke fear and insecurity they flood the news of murders, terrorism, robberies, etc. If you want a whole country happy, celebrating and waving flags, it is enough that the national soccer team passes to the final phase of the world cup, or a great nationalist and Machiavellian speech of the “representatives of the people”.

Our thoughts are shaped since childhood in schools and throughout life through different mechanisms of instruction and education (in gross words, brainwashing). We were basically programmed to go to work without questioning anything. The pay is money that represents a supposed amount of gold that does not exist, so that you go and consume products and services.

When you arrive home you have the right time for basic needs (eating, sanitizing, sleeping, etc.) and if you manage to get a little free time, you will most likely watch TV, computer or your phone that are tools of confinement and management of the individual to form it as a consumer machine (work, consume, watch TV and sleep and then wake up and return to work). It is simple, in addition to the propaganda series, there is also propaganda during TV shows, in football matches, on radios, on the Internet and on your phone. But they were not satisfied with so little, so, they also took the propaganda to the real environment in which we live every day flooding the roads, avenues and streets of advertising posters that constantly bombard the subconscious.

This is basically how this inhuman system takes over your body, your mind and your time; three things with an invaluable economic value. These three things are exchanged for a simple paper with numbers called a ticket, which has no more value than that given by the individual in this materialistic and consumerist society. They buy us with a basic salary that is a crumb compared to what businesses and governments handle. But will it be the day we are in our last minutes of life that we will realize that no matter how much money we have, we cannot buy another second of life?

As Kansas says in its anthem Dust in the Wind?

By the begining of the third millennium, and surrounded of impressive scientific-technological development, humanity faces unheard atrocities:

• More than half of the world's population is between poverty and destitution

• A quarter of human beings - almost 1,700 million - lack basic services such as health, education, housing, drinking water, sewerage and electricity

• The fifth is illiterate and the third is functional illiterate

• The most “developed” capitalist powers along with their tiny economic power groups, design and execute the present and future of humanity. The objective is the distribution of the world, the conquests of new markets and the looting of natural resources. This greed and the decline in which they find themselves obliges them to supply themselves with unlimited energy resources, so they unleash "sanctions", "campaigns", "international coalitions" that lead to unjust wars such as flagrant invasions against oppressed nations. For example, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia. The injustice and irrationality is such that sordid events such as those that are periodically executed against Palestine are considered "justifiable" by the "International Community" and by organizations that should "safeguard" world peace

• Many rulers and individuals of economic and political power are committed to drug and arms trafficking mafias, paramilitaries, hitmen, polluters and environmental destroyers, etc., in addition to being drivers of the indiscriminate violation of the rights of the people, and thus, becoming co-authors of genocides and other crimes against humanity

To justify the predatory actions of the capitalist system, they speak of "free will." I wonder, what free will could have the 17th son of an illiterate mother of Burundi, who does not even know the functioning of the reproductive system? What free will have the "free" chickens in the chicken coop when they got inside a couple of "free" coyotes? Free will is obviously, for the 25 and for their conscious and unconscious lackeys, which not by chance, are part of the flock.

We live in a matrix perfectly ordered by a global chess game called GSP, Global Stupidization Program, implemented through a strategic and precise balance that manages the Pyramid of Evil. This program was launched at the end of World War II , obviously, by the winning powers, currently generating a highly unstable situation, in which only 34 million people (0.7% of the world population) have more than one million dollars and hold 45.2% of world wealth. At the next level, 349 million people (7.4% of the world's population) have between $ 100,000 and one million and hold 39.4% of the world's wealth. Then 1,003 million people (21% of the world's population) have between 10,000 and 100,000 dollars and hold 12.5% ​​of the world's wealth. And finally, 3,386 million people (71% of the world's population) have less than $ 10,000 and "hold" 3% of the world's wealth.

And these figures are justified by the Pyramid of Evil with the argument of free will ...

The Pyramid of Evil slept the world with the GSP during the years that followed the World War II, through a global strategy called "Cold War", managing the information that the flock should consume, mainly through the telecommunications corporation , informatics and mass media, sometimes with totally false news, sometimes using entertainment, publishing novels by authors that made Russians appear stupid from the USA, and Yankees and English from Russia. Do you remember James Bond? Meanwhile, both opponents armed themselves to the teeth, with weapons of mass destruction that they will not hesitate to use when the potatoes burn.

Our position and that of the ANARCHY REVOLUTION game is anarchy. I won't waste time here in long descriptions of anarchy. By now, I am only interested in leaving well defined that I am well against democracy and its extreme called neoliberalism, and socialism and its extreme called communism, both responsible for action and for omission of the high instability of the current situation of the planet. I also want to make it clear that I am against a new stupidity that is heard lately defined as "anarcho-capitalism", which seems to me a contradiction in terms. No anarchist considers the accumulation of capital by far. This term anarcho-capitalism is defended by a series of capitalists, who all they want from the Democratic State is not to levy them taxes, and for that, they pretend to be anarchists, and some of them go beyond and also pretend to be disciples of the Austrian School of Economics, without even having read the cover of the book The Human Action, by Ludwig von Misses, founder of the School. Many apprentices who only read an article about this school in the newspaper, think they know the deep thinking of Austrian thinkers, and then, as nobody understands anything, an oxymoron appears like that of anarcho-capitalism. The GSP proves to fulfill its objective.

(to be continued)