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RE: Anarchy Newsroom is making progress!

in #anarchy7 years ago

Thanks for your input mindhawk. I really appreciate the time and energy you put into your response. I actually despise FB and I'm new to Reddit and don't care for it much. I'm simply casting a wide net right now so that the show will actually get noticed. Eventually I would like to narrow the scope to one or two platforms that I trust. Steemit will most likely be one of them. I think we would all like to see Dtube develop further. We are anti-statist and definitely not police. We aren't interested in trips to anarchopulco as we have family's to take care of at home. We just want to convey accurate information to the masses who (like you said) don't read anymore...which has contributed the dumbing down of society. Our hope is that our episodes with information and images and links will incourage people to read and do their own research again. You seem like a very strong writer with a message to convey. I will read anything you email us personally and I will always ask permission before using content on the show. Please consider contributing so that this becomes more of what you envision instead of just the few of us currently involved. To become the voice of a movement we must agrogate many voices...not just our own. Thanks!


I appreciate this thoughtful response and I will do what I can to be helpful, despite my firm belief that more news tv is not the answer.

Please consider my privacy workshop #1-#6, it is at least a book of material but it is necessary as people are not getting the information they need to 1. understand that their tech is mostly comprimised and 2. that there are things they can do to reclaim their own privacy and 3. that if we don't reclaim our privacy en masse, than humanity is locked into the current form of government, and likely doomed because of it.

Any channel that isn't informing its readership about what I thoroughly list ad nauseum in Privacy Workshop #1 is doing their readers a disservice. There are forces actively trying to know everything, and in m #6 part 2 I actually dissect actual disinformation campaigns including one against myself and more importantly against Lori Handrahan, whose daughter was stolen by her clearly abusive father, with the help of some very powerful people including sheisty lawyers. Further study of this case will reveal much about how serious the situation is, which I call the Truth Now vs. the Truth Never movement, which is striking at the root of what we know as western civilization or 'truth justice and the american way.'

I wonder if people think I am not being patriotic for being so critical, but in fact I am arguing very much for the continuation at this time of the constitutional republic, individual rights and multicultural cosmopolitan societies, I am not some anarcho crank shouting to burn it all down. I am more saying that if we abandon our values, then if it all burns down, who should care?

I have put many hours into the workshop and so far few readers and comments, please spread through any channels you have as it is clear, from my experience on reddit, that this information is being actively suppressed.

In future posts I am going to investigate steemit itself, and I have found some troubling aspects, unfortunately ties to Lockheed Martin, the air force and similar entities like the ones that turned LifeLog into facbrork. Which is unfortunate.

If spy services subvert steemit, and the means by which we move our coins out of steem, then any coins we earn here are no more anonymous than our steemit accounts, for instance. The shadowy forces have a way of using their near infinite financial resources to get their before anyone else and lay their traps. I hope steemit is not such a thing, but it very well could be. Watch for future posts. And investigate every potential source of information, so many of these popup nooz sites are not legitimate.

stay aware. cheers!