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RE: Minority Report: A Lesson in Biometrics

in #anarchy8 years ago

Much like anyone who sees me lumbering down the street stuffing my face with a burito, my problem with biometrics is that they can't easily be 'forgotten'.
What happens when someone steals yours password?
You have to change it...
What happens when someone steals your retinal scan, your fingerprints? Not just this but if it becomes ubiquitous it's useless in regard to security as it only takes one company to be breached.


Or one company to give away your information. I can't help but think of the movie Middle Men where the government goes to internet porn pros for information to target other human beings. One can't help but liken that to the stink that was raised by iPhone fingerprint scans. Once more, having actually targeted American citizens with drones without due process. Orwell's technological imaginings come closer to reality...