The biggest lie ever told!

in #anarchy9 years ago (edited)

"The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed" Goebbels, propaganda minister of Hitler.

There is one big lie that is told, that when believed, has created the biggest massacres, and crimes and suffering in human history.

It caused the worst democides.

It caused worst wars in history, including two world wars.

It caused worst of suffering and oppression, including gulags and concentration camps.

It caused the worst of mind controls, cults, and sects...

What is this lie?

It is the lie of "external authority".

It is the lie that you are not fit to rule your own life, you need some form of "government" or "authority", you cannot possibly know what's best for you.

All religious wars started by a belief in such external authority.

All government wars started by a belief in such external authority.

All oppression and slavery was based on such external authority. (Some are Masters, some are Slaves).

Stop believe in that lie, and start believe in yourself.

You are enough. You know what's best for you. You are inherently good.

You can govern your self. You don't need rulers. You don't need slaves.

You are born free and you will die free.

Anyone who is telling you otherwise, is lying to you.


worst unit ever... applied to even worst time period...
can't even figure out your numbers

If you mean the democide numbers here is the source:

'The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.'