Why is there always enough money for War, but not enough to feed the hungry?
One of this lunched missiles could feed this kids somewhere in the World for a Whole year
Anarchism is not just the absence of absolute freedom, nor just a state of disorder; it is also a state where irrelevant things are prioritized more than the very important aspect of human lives. Rejection of hierarchy when peace is forsaken and disorder ruled supreme.
Weapons of war and devices of mass destruction are placed high above the rights of human to live, for this reasons; Billions of dollars is spent on war and preparations of war while millions of people across the world could barely afford weekly meals not to mention daily feeding.
A K2 Black Panther South Korea Armour Tank costs $8. 8 Million USD
Also Great Britain Challenger (Armour Tank) costs $8.6 Million USD
Germany's Leopard 2A6 Armour Tank costs $6.79 Million USD and
Isreali Tied-7 Merkava costing $6 Million USD
Imagine what this funds could do to the lives of a famished Citizens somewhere in Africa or Asia. A Soldier gears and uniform costing $1,523 USD (Chinese Army), or another Outfit and gears of war costing $17,500 USD (US ground Troops); either of this prices is enough to sustain some families for months on a well nourished diet and pay for their medical bills.
Below is a chart showing how much some of this Weapons of war costs and how it could have impacted some lives around the world if the Funds are used to help developing nations.

Taking some countries as a case study, in contrast to the above Graphic illustration of how much this weapon of war costs; Burundi, East Africa Tops the List of Most Hungry Nation from a 2013 survey:
Credits: Global Hunger Index
A country with a GDP of $7.892 Billion USD, and with population of about 11.18 Million (World Bank Stats 2015). With a little mathematical skill; one Gerald R. Ford Class Aircraft carrier (13.5 Billion USD) could ease this country and topple it off that Top spot on the list of hungered Nation of the World if the if such amount could be pumped into the Economy of Country. Do you know how many Children and family that will be fed and nourished back to Good Life?
Since when does the Devices of War becomes more valuable than human lives? If the world is at peace, no Country needs spends so much on preparations for war, maybe Billions of Hungry Souls could be fed even if it is but one meal per day!
Image source: 1 Facebook- 2
Central Banking has Killed more People than anything else........
Yep. We just visited Kansas City last week. I think it is fitting and proper that the National World War I Museum in KC has as its neighbor the Fed.
Lol, those are internal Wars i suppose?
Do you have proves? Be kind to share it......
All wars are bankers wars
Not just bankers, you know what i mean......Let us just keep it subtle mate!
I got you ^^
no, not "banksters". governments and central banks. dont keep your thoughts subtle, you either stand behind the things u think, or don't.
what do you think, mr neocrusader? tha joows did it?
whether the joows did it or not, the Banks and Central banks are not the once buying F-22 Raptor Bomber Jets nor the Cruise Missile, let get our priorities right for the context of this topic!
They are. Here's how it's done: Bob's Weapon Sales invents a new missile, the Hootenanator. Bob borrowed money from who? A Central Bank, to whom he owes money. Bob wants to pay that money back, and turn a profit, so he says "Hey, USA, buy lots of my missile, the Hootenanator. It'll kill your enemies real good!"
So, the USA wants to buy lots of Hootenanators. All US dollars are BORROWED from the Federal Reserve Bank (a completely privately owned bank, not a governmental agency), which has the exclusive right to print them, and lend them out.
This is how dollars are created.
So, the USA borrows a stack of freshly inked bills from the Federal Reserve Bank and buys a grip of Hootenanators. They are very happy with their purchase, and the American citizen is now in more debt. The Federal Reserve Bank is very happy, because now their biggest customer owes them more money, and they will collect, because their customer doesn't pay itself, it makes the citizens of the USA pay, and they don't have anything to say about it. All they can do is pay, or go to IRS court, and then have everything they own taken away while they go to Federal Buttrape Prison for life. So they will pay.
Bob pays off his loan to the Central Bank, and makes a profit. They're happy, and he's happy.. Oh, not quite, you see Bob wants more profit. What can Bob do to get more money?
Well, he can borrow more money from the Central Bank and make more missiles to sell, but only if the USA will buy them. But they have lots of missiles already. What to do?
Aha! Bob realizes that if he can get the USA to use those missiles up, then they will buy new ones. So, he goes to the USA and says "hey, here's a bribe. Go start a war and use those missiles up, so I can sell you new ones."
Every time the USA buys missiles from Bobs Weapon Sales, the banks make money. The USA doesn't make money. However, the government employees do, because they are the people that Bob bribed.
That's how bank make money off F-22 Raptor Bomber Jets, and Cruise Missiles.
Read "War is a Racket" by US General Smedley V. Butler. It's a short book, almost a pamphlet, but he names names and cites exact figures of war materiel purchased, and the markups over ordinary pricing countries pay during war.
War profiteering is why there is war. People can work things out, until paid agitators cause trouble. If you want to know how they make trouble, read "In Search of Enemies" by John Stockwell, former CIA Chief of Station, Angola.
Don't be naive. Be prepared.
Edit: This is why there is plenty of money for weapons and very little for starving children in Burundi. It's easy for Banksters to make money from Bob selling weapons. It's hard to make money from feeding starving babies. Usually those that make money off that are warlords in Burundi, and everyone that knows about it hates those warlords. The banksters don't want to be hated, so they don't steal from starving babies. It's pretty simple really. It's not a lack of food or money, it's too MUCH money.
very good account, you should make a post about this!
its of course the central banks. without central banks, no corrupt money for that amount of blown up warfare. look it up. i bet you could just google "central banks" and "war". war is the health of the state and the state controls money with central banks. ez. warmongers wouldn't have a fraction of that money used, if it wasn't printed by the monopoly of fiat currency, which is owned by central banks. thats why the world wars also happened and made possible after creation of central banks.
That is a really deep conspiracy theory mate!
That was amazing! Thank you very much for posting it, and taking me to school.
Followed, so that I can learn more from you.
You guys are brave to share all these. I am a coward ran away Jonah in the belly of the whale ^^
Doge friends agree with you ^^
That's totally true my friend, its so sad we still don't realiza about that.
I find it disguising how there is a nuclear bomb worth that much yet people still starve to death.
Now you get the whole context of the story, how can we spend so much on something that expensive that is meant to destroy human lives that are already starving to death?
Just asked myself a Q: what can i do-. And the answer was...everything! Because we are one race we should be one nation all together for the greater good. Post that really made me think! Thank you @oluwoleolaide
'War is the Health of the state.' -Randolph Bourne
At the expense of poor hungry souls.
Because small men profit from war, no one profits from feeding the hungry
The profit of feeding the hungry is not an Earthly one......
Just look at all the GoFundme accounts set up pay some idiots speeding ticket or to pay for someones next vacation or something equally ridiculous...
You should start a STEEMFUND for this exact cause.. We can donate SBD to the Account and choose a different organization or group to help each month or quarterly.
Great post and thank you for opening some eyes and hearts!!
Well said mate, but with recent fund me here fund me there; for now lets not do that on Steemit cos this requires Steemit Inc. Go ahead before project of this magnitude could kickstart.
I can do it with your support but let us get a worthier cause, then we launch it.
Thats a great idea... tend to say " you must have @thinksalot about it" ;-)
Lol. Have a great weekend!!
War is a racket...some people have gotten very wealthy...
yes very true, while some rotten away.....
Great book! "War is a Racket". Have you read it?
its rather sad to know but it is the truth and a hard one of course .Most of this things are happening because of individual self interest. As you said the cost of one of these gadgets can make a different else where .by the way thanks for sharing
Thanks my dear friend!
It is just sad to see. All of this manness in the world because a few want to play God!
One day they will all get whats coming to them and they will stand in Judgment.
Judgement day yeah?...i love that
I don't know when...but one day!
Thanks for the upvote
If only d world power houses could set her piorities right...
"When the power of love becomes stronger than the love of power, there will be peace." - Jimi Hendrix