Internet of People - The Decentralised Society Manifesto

in #anarchy7 years ago

The Decentralized Society Manifesto

(The New Crypto Anarchist Manifesto)

Author: Markus Maiwald


Never in all of history have the elements been arrayed against the evil manifest in tyranny and slavery as they are today. The dreams that burn in the hearts of billions have been growing stronger through the millennia. The children of this world are owed a liberty from slavery that few are able to comprehend. This is the most exciting era in all of human history; it is the dawn of the freedom of mankind.

The End Of All Evil[16]

Where we come from

We have been living inside an ongoing trend towards centralization of power and control. In present time a handful of entities (giant companies or conglomerates, including some states) dictate with the control over politicians and military what a huge percentage of the world population can or cannot do. In this current scenario, it is not difficult to predict that fights between such interest groups are likely to happen and someday in the future, some entity may try to control it all (in a devastating big fail).

Political henchmen and apologists try to get as much control as possible by steadily eroding our civil liberties. The wormhole in democracy and the state is, if we allow them to define our interests, what is good for us and control our fear - there the evil starts.

People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.[17]

Thus, civil liberty is absolute as is economic freedom.

That is why privacy is an inalienable right.

We are condemning any authoritarian injustice.

We are opposing any form of authoritarian centralism and its forced powers.

Thus we are opposing fascism.

Fascism is the economics of a government-business alliance. There should be no government-business alliance. If we would need any kind of “government” or better, a trustless state, then it should not be involved in business at all.

"The separation of state and religion was quite nice, but please, wake me up, when we reach the separation of the state and the economy."-Markus Maiwald-

Whenever government gets involved in business, it is always done to favor certain businesses at the expense of all the rest of them. It always involves a repression of decision making on the part of individual buyers and sellers. There are no exceptions. There are always going to be a few winners and a lot of losers. But we do not see the losers.[18]

If I say this to the standard etatist, he nods his head in agreement. He is convinced that the government is up to no good when it intervenes into the free market or the individual’s business. Then, a few minutes later, he tells me that the government should actively do this or do that, regulate here, make laws there and regulate to gain more control and at least tax individuals and teach kids to define our interests from the beginning. First, taxing individuals is robbery.  Second, in other words, his default setting on governmental control is pure fascism. He is a Stazi. But he does not understand this. He does not understand economic logic, and he does not understand the meaning of the so-called business-government alliance. He does not understand us. So the one pillar of our strategy is to educate people about economic freedom, personal liberty and social responsibility.

Saying this, we are still living in a world of fences. Sometimes this world seems to be on the verge of becoming a global social democracy under a new world order. While social democracy, the least invasive form of state socialism, was the inevitable answer to the changing power structures after the fail of the aristocrats and two devastating world wars, it still remains state socialism and, so, antithetical and contradicting principles of individual liberty. State socialism under the guise of democracy is centralism enforced by armed forces. It is the rule by law and order by the minority over the passive majority.

It depends on unfair people-based trust- and power systems.

We deserve better, and the time has come, as we have the right tools for the next step, again.

After two and a half decades it is maybe time to write a new crypto anarchist manifesto.

But the cyberpunks grew up, and this new generation of visionary entrepreneurs is not building hidden cyberspaces anymore - our ideas became obvious for the normal people. So we come back from the cyberspaces and we are building the real Decentralized Society - we are building our Land of the Free: Libertaria, a world without barbed fences, with many self-driven communities that share the same values.

We are aware of the infused global crisis that doesn’t need to be there. After generations of deceit, lies and wars - not only we, but the people too - feel there has to be a change. We grew up connected with the internet, connected to each other, and that opens up the planet. The technology revolution is opening the world, and we are driving this revolution. We live the change - we are the change.

We are a hard working people driven by our vision and collaborating to change the path to a bright future in a decentralized society. We are pioneers, developers, inventors, innovators, investors, normal users, active members and dreamers, discovering new paths, trying to change the world. But we don’t waste energy by fighting the old system (as long as it doesn’t try to destroy our freedom and goes into action against us) - instead we concentrate on building something new, that helps the global society.

"We cannot fight the existing system without working alternatives."-Markus Maiwald

We can’t defeat the existing system; we must build a better one instead.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”― R. Buckminster Fuller

We are neither a corporation or company, nor driven by any third party economical interests. We don’t believe in concentration of power. Because we think power in the wrong hands will eventually lead humanity to a catastrophic failure. We believe in freedom and the power of technology. We believe in people. We are happy to use our skills to recreate the same level of private person-to-person interactions over the internet that we have to protect outside of the internet. We are empowering freedom of the people.

We have to free people from their indoctrinated fear of freedom; teaching all the different people about real freedom.

We have to teach them how to become educated, self responsible and socially responsible human members of the human race.

We have to teach that with great freedom comes greater responsibility, but that we don’t need to fear this if we have the right form of governance.

We have to show people how to build a better future, how to use the right tools and why this is important, to reach our vision.

Our Vision

We envision a world where people can freely interact electronically without unnecessary third party interferences. Both for social and commercial interactions. No spying, no censorship, no taking a cut on private transactions between individuals, no mining of self-defined private information, no unnecessary middlemen. The world where people are more important than entities like companies and states, a world where people have the choices and the means to interact directly with each other. This is the reason, why we need to open up institutions and seek for new ways of governance.

We have to get the four pillars of a society back into the people’s control in a decentralized manner. Where food, clothes and building materials and providing services are not restricted and controlled. Knowledge should be public domain about producing those and low-cost tools and solutions should be available for those people who want to produce these goods.

We look for solutions that include self-governance and self-empowering of the people. We build the Liquid-Democracy fueled by merit.

We envision a world that is not ruled by powerful entities and people but guided by leaders and a socio-economy that regulated itself by reputation-based systems and fair trials.

We are building the Decentralized Society and the Real Sharing Economy. The former cyberspace that manifests today into reality, our Realspace of the Free —  we are building our Libertaria!

We oppose Industry 4.0 and build the decentralized web, a free alternative that is not discriminating, that is trustless and permissionless and inclusive and disrupting traditional platform based economy models.

We are embracing companies and business  and say good bye to corporations and their reckless irresponsible behaviour covert by the state.

The Decentralized Society

We don’t want to abolish every form of civil state which partly seems so far necessary to have prospering and civilized communities, but we will not be ruled or governed by supraregional entities and their central governments anymore. We are the first initiative in the history of mankind that shifts the control of money from the government and the creation of money from semi-private banking cartels back to the people.

The separation of state and religion was a powerful act but in Libertaria we take it one step further and separate money and governance. We enable free banking and we put the creation of money back into the hand of the people, we crack semi-private banking cartels, abolish the banking-socialism that puts the win into the pockets of speculators and lets the losses compensated by the tax paying debt-slaves.

Government is the modern form of slavery. We have all the rights to abolish it.

The world must not become a globalist wet dream of egalitarianism and uniformism in a bad Orwell socialist democracy, but a global village of interconnected local communities that collaborate and chose their own way to pursuit happiness.

The future will not be centralized. The future we are anticipating is a federated world of interconnected distributed communities living under universal principles[19], which are easy to comprehend for every human being; allowing them to be their own decentralized sovereignties that may have their idiosyncratic and distinctive morals following the platinum rule[20].

They pop up when needed, where needed, unbound to any state or supra- or transnational entity. The people and chapters govern themselves or outsource this to the best provider.

The federated global society is highly inclusive and the actions voluntary and most possibly based on cooperation and if possible on collaboration.  There is no entity or people ruling over any society.

We understand - while people are all different and have different abilities - that we all have unlimited value and we all deserve the same respectful treatment.

The definition of freedom is the infinite value of the human being. The definition of evil is the destruction of freedom.[21]

Technology will allow the ordinary people to communicate freely and without interference from third parties and governments, to come to legal agreements and to build their own law systems, to produce their own goods and services and to trade freely with them.

In this paper I will give a rough overview how to achieve this. Further papers will go much more into detail and develop strategies and present a path to reach these ambitious goals during the next two decades.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."[22]

The time is running out, and as no Savior is doing this job we have to do it ourselves:

Our own technology will make us free, because with it we can take back and protect our unlimited value as human beings.

What if we could connect ourselves in the real world, through a network and with technology and by the principles we outlined, creating a new age where we not only share our knowledge, but share our intelligence? What if we were able to create a new common of collective intelligence?

And imagine, this collective intelligence goes beyond a group, or a state, creates some kind of collective consciousness on a global basis…

If we do this, we could tackle the biggest problems of the world, avoiding the governments and build something new, build the new decentralized society of communities that share these values and build a new collective intelligence that solves the problems of the old world.

I want to invite every person, that believes in such a better future to join today. Let us unite, build and use our own technologies to make this happen. Let us bring to the world peace, economical freedom, personal liberty and prosperity, for all.

Our motto is:

"We know our future, because we are building it!"

Thus we know:

"The next rEvolution is not centralised™"

From Cyberspace back to the real world - we are building the Decentralized Society of interconnected people in their global villages.

The way to get there is through local (Cyber-) Communities.

Change the world with us.

Build a better world. Build a better future for our kids!

Start with us a new movement that is not falling into the traps of media, corporations and banks.

Join the Decentralized Society, build with us Libertaria!

[16] The End Of All Evil -

[17] Benjamin Franklin - They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither. He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.

[18] This is what Frederic Bastiat in 1850 called “the fallacy of the things not seen.”

[19] The End Of All Evil, Chapter 2, ff

[20] "The golden rule is a good standard which can perhaps even be improved by doing unto others, wherever possible, as they would be done by..." — Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 2 (1966 [1945]), p. 386.

[21] The End Of All Evil, Chapter 2, ff

[22] Bible, John 8:32


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