What is Anarkeden 2.0

Please share this idea far and wide.
Anarkeden is the enlightened way to create a free and abundant life that can be sustained forever, with exponential growth and return on investment.
This is a billion dollar idea.
In its fullest expression Anarkeden is the equivalent of everyone becoming a billionnaire, thats where this idea leads. This is still EARLY DAYS, ONE MAN, ONE SEED OF AN IDEA, a never before seen compilation of subjects that work in synergy, falling under the umbrella Natural Law, conceptualized in one beautifully eloquent idea ANARKEDEN.
A one-of-a-kind, original idea to benefit all human beings and all life forms, sourced from the infinite consciousness of the universe, blessed and overseen by various spirits and entities, astrologically aligned, waiting for humanity to understand it, embrace it, integrate it, and benefit from it, to ascend us into 5D reality and propel us into the stars.
#Anarkeden is whatever people want it to be.
It is whatever WE make of it!
This is the enlightened way to create a free and abundant life that can be sustained forever, with exponential growth and return on investment.
Anarchy in the Garden of Eden
Total Freedom in Absolute Paradise.
A holistic, heart-centered remedy with demonstrably effective results, to heal humanity’s causal wound called Disconnection.
Disconnection stems from a lack of awareness about reality, self, spirit, nature.
The knowledge of self, the emotional body, the superconscious, the subconscious, the infinite consciousness, and the physical natural world, and how all these are interconnected – this is what people have been disconnected and alienated from in the old paradigm.
When we are disconnected from reality, we cannot navigate our reality effectively, causing us to feel powerless to affect change and causing us to survive through unhealthy and destructive means. This further perpetuates suffering in our own lives as well as others. We want to thrive.
Anarkeden heals this wound, reconnecting us, reconciling us, living our authentic soul, empowering us with knowledge of nature and reality, it’s a beautiful feeling to feel the oneness with all reality, its ecstatic and omnipotent and tangible, and the more people who are in this heart and consciousness space the higher we ascend. The more humanity rises in this direction, the easier it becomes, the more exponential our development.
Its about putting nature first, as a priority.
And understanding we are nature.
Stop serving the system, it’s not real, it’s not serving us at all. It’s temporary crumbs with no future vs a radically innovative new societal structure, promising absolute abundance, ripe for the creating!
If we want this idea to manifest, then we need to take some proactive steps and rise in consciousness, co-creating this mutually beneficial life.
Anarkeden is about inspiring people to use their imaginations, to unite around this foundational solution strategy and together use this 10-step plan to manifest our own personal paradise.
Emotional and physical safety and security in abundance. The holiday life for everyone. Free and renewable energy everywhere. The purest, cleanest, most nutrient dense medicines, food, water, air.
One decade of dedication followed by a millenia to enjoy Anarkeden, with so much gratitude paid to our generation’s historic contribution to humanity’s salvation.
Harnessing the power of the astrology and the infinite consciousness and creative potential of the heart and soul and mind combined, with a pure channel with the divine.
Each day will be met with a diversity of experience and opportunity, flavours and scents, pleasure and challenges, all of which we meet with pure joy on our artistic soul path.

There is nothing to fear, only excitement as we pioneer this new way together, each contributing our own unique element. No need to attack the system, its dying, its powerless, the more threatened we feel, and the more threatened the ruling class feel, the worse it will be for everyone.
Let’s welcome everyone back to sanity and peace and love. We have every right to feel sadness, despair, anger, rage. Can we really blame people for going on murder sprees? Look at the society we have created everyone. People feel like there is no hope, no way out, no way to beat the system, but my friends we have the opportunity together to empower people everywhere with Anarkeden.
To perpetuate the old paradigm is not self loving or conscious behaviour.
Luckily humanity is evolving out of this OLD PARADIGM and stepping into Love and Consciousness.

Look, what we have the opportunity to do is to find pathways to love ourselves, embrace all aspects of ourselves, and intelligently participate in the Anarkeden process and demonstrate the way forward for others.
This means deconstructing the facade with consciousness.
"We cannot solve this problem with the same level of intelligence that created it"
So lets initiate a Conscious Human Uprising, with a focus on this core concept that everyone holds as sacred: #anarkeden – try and deny it’s the best idea on earth.
"Craziness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result"
So let’s do something radically new, way more in line with our hearts, our minds, our spirits, way more in line with what we are evolving into. Rise to a new level, a new standard of what we are willing to accept, what we believe we are worth, we are more than this, we can do better than this, society is far from perfect, we have lots of room to grow, lets embrace these revolutionary new methods of accelerating evolution, this occult strategy is so much more exciting than anything that can be promised in the old paradigm.
Extremely innovative new technologies and environments are in the ether about to be manifest worldwide as earth is enveloped with a new 5D consciousness in coming years, and time is speeding up so you may very well wake up tomorrow and it’s already fucking here, don’t let the days go to waste, each day is crucial for stepping into more of who you authentically are, emotionally and spiritually, and creating more of what you want to see.