List of worries

in #anarchy7 years ago

Continuing briefly the previous post, there is another thing to add - have you noticed that people more often worry and are willing to talk about things that they can neither change not confirm? It is especially true on the Internet.

1. Vaccines,

2. Chemtrails,

3. Shape of the Earth,

4. Landing on the Moon... wait, that's what's evolved into flat Earth thing, no?

So, these things are talked about extensively, people do "research", in vicious news circles producing more and more wild "theories"... In a witches cauldron where stuff boils, along with snake's legs and dragon's breaths. Meme soup. Hmm, nice analogies here. Common denominators - those memes present one nasty explanation of "what is wrong with the world", but in a way that can't be confirmed or denied... Oh wait, I'm trying to apply logic here, and it's incompatible... Such things as confirming a theory is scientific. Scientific method, to be precise. Those theories avoid any possibility of proof/disproof by rejecting any methods that can prove or disprove them... In a world of flat Earth you can't prove that the Earth is not flat. The same with vaccines - I tried talking to many people believing that vaccines are for a) population control, b) weakening human race, c) depopulation program... There are many theories (and they all miss the point that if someone wanted to do something really nasty to human race, the best way would be to convince people to stop vaccinating - then one Black Plague, kaboom, we're dead). I tried and failed - for every rational and scientific argument there is an answer that uses all dirty tricks, breaks any logic rule just to prove the unprovable. I was bound by rules of logic, reason and knowledge - they were not. So I lost, because the ultimate argument is something like "I am not convinced, and besides The Great Spirit watches over me" - that's not an argument, that's an article of faith, and you can't argue with faith. The only problem is, of course, that this particular faith (conspiracy theories faith) rejects science and scientific method completely and on purpose. Even faiths of old days, which burned heretics (and scientists) and killed people by millions didn't get that far.

Actually... doesn't it look like a kind of solipsistic attack on humans? Remember, The Great Spirit never actually freed up anyone from taxes and diabetes (well, not sure about diabetes, human mind is really powerful and it can dominate body's weakness under some special circumstances), and all The Great Spirit can do is make people happy in their slavery. That's what religions generally do - make people happy with promised heaven after death, so they are less bothered by awful life conditions, etc. They provide comfort. Flat Earth provides comfort by creating an imaginary world where powerful forces (way beyond our ability to comprehend and fight) are here to enslave us. Children are vaccinated by evil corporations to create obedient slaves. Airplanes spread chemicals to make us docile (and obedient slaves).

Well, the only thing needed to make us obedient slaves is monetary system spanning all areas of life. We already have that firmly in place. We had that for ages. Regardless of the shape of the Earth, death and taxes... etc. See my point?

So here is an alternative list, really boring one, small things, everyone can do them easily, everyone can fight conspiracies and better their lives by actually doing something:

1. Diet. You can't say "diet" without saying "die" ;) But that's the second most important step towards freedom. And it's not about special diets, it is simply about eating healthy - which means avoiding sugar, avoiding meat, avoiding highly processed food, etc. Guidelines are there on the Internet in abundance. Eat your greens. This will make you more healthy (in your face, medical corporations!), will give you back energy (your body needs to digest all that fastfood crap), etc. Diet is about the most important thing you can change right here and right now.

2. Exercise. As important as diet. Do I really need to tell you why?

3. Organize you escape. Ha. Didn't see that coming, did you :) First two points are for your body. However, these days you mind is even bigger target for {insert your preferred conspirational monster here} - and it's similar.. mind diet, which starts with throwing away your TV set. Control what you let into your mind, and do not get stuck in one particular narrative. Exercise, by reading all spectrum of materials - and learn some science for gods sake, it works and is interesting. Your body is a hostage, but your mind is really what is imprisoned in the system - organize your escape now. Think how you can become independent. Think. And... find the other. Organize into independent self-sufficient communities. Local, small communities. It is now possible to grow food (greens!), produce electricity, 3D printers are making their way into the equation... And when you do it right, you will stop needing bankers, lawyers and politicians.

0. The single most important thing to do starting right now, the thing that everything else will come out of, the thing that goes directly into the source of all problems - your mind - meditation. Know thyself. Start meditating. A month ago I'd say it is extremely important and find your way into meditation, carefully avoiding charlatans, gurus and other traps, but then found out Mindfulness, started by Jon Kabat-Zinn (watch him on YT) - this has the lowest bullshit factor of all the related things I've seen so far. It is something I can recommend, and its end result should be freeing your mind a little bit, step by step, knowing yourself, calming yourself, growing up. It is like a secular spiritual thing to do, and it is prefect basis for the rest outlined above.

...and, in time, with this little list, one can be slightly happier knowing that something got done, and even if there are forces beyond our control, we do have at least some control over our own lives. We need to claim it. Now. That's the only way.