Anarchic Discussions: Hate Crime Laws are Retarded

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Written off the back of this article:

Crime is Color Blind

#dafuq man... OK, Here is my problem with "hate crime" laws - they are fucking retarded for treating the same crime as different because of some class/race value being applied. I mean, murder is murder, regardless of if it's white on white, white on black, or anyone on blue. Most people who commit crimes don't do it out of love or pity. They do it for hate or selfishness. To try to qualify a crime as even worse because of who the target is racially, or because of what job they do, is so fucking arbitrary it's insane.

Why cops don't need this bullshit law

As for violence against cops being a hate crime, honestly I cannot see how this does anything except make this law a complete joke. Firstly, cop killers are not the kind of people that get brought to trial. They die because the one sanctioned gang in the village will crush them.

Secondly, the level of minority targeting of criminal activity is disgustingly obvious, and the original purpose of "hate crime" laws was to protect under represented groups from being persecuted. How are cops fucking underrepresented?!? They have unions, the backing of the justice department, quite a lot of leeway in courts, are supported by almost every single politician, and are glorified by the MSM.

Cop: A safe job

Which brings me to my third point - they have one of the safer jobs in the country, statistically. Go on, Google "cop job safety". If you look at the stats, as a cop you are about 3x less likely to die on the job than the average US citizen's risk of dying from a gun. Talk about mountainous molehills.


My point is cops are categorically NOT underrepresented anywhere in the system, nor are they at severe risk in their job today. To put crimes against them as being of a higher status than normal turns the law they used to do that into even more of a farce than it was to begin with. The only thing this proves is that the state's employees are officially more important to it than its employer, we the fucking people.

A final aside

To all you Conservative types who hate gun laws, I hope you have read all of this and taken a good hard time to ponder the implications of this. If you have read my rants before, you should realise by now how much I detest gun control, and consider gun crime statistically insignificant. That said, you as an individual are fractionally less likely to die by gun homicide than a cop is to die at all. so the next time you feel like a bit of badge buffing and boot licking, screaming how hard a job it is to wield power over us peons, think twice, please.

Do not be taken in by these meddlesome fear mongers. It should be blatantly obvious by now, but all branches of us news media are untrustworthy now, which is a tale I'll leave for another rant, and can also be time to statists just doing #oneofthosestatistthings.