Making Helpless Victims

in #anarchy7 years ago

I hope those who are cheering for “gun control”—from noble but very misguided intentions—take a moment to actually think about something here.

Thanks to the politician-mandated helplessness known as “gun free school zones,” a number of school shooters have been virtually guaranteed a large collection of defenseless victims. Now, the sales pitch for this political agenda, courtesy of the parasitic ruling class (who have plenty of heavily armed guards themselves, paid for with your “taxes”), is that the mere rabble—and that includes me and you—being armed would result in chaos and bloody mayhem, because we’re just unstable, untrustworthy stupid animals ready to snap and go berserk at the drop of a hat.

But that’s not the end of their sales pitch. Because when someone actually does start killing people, pretty much everyone—yes, even the most zealous liberal—immediately hopes to have a good guy with a gun show up to protect the innocent. That’s why they call the police: because they believe that agents of the state are the ones qualified and responsible enough to have such weapons, and brave enough and competent enough to protect the rest of us from all the nasty people in the world.

In other words, the ruling class pitches the double lie, “You can’t be trusted to be armed, but you can trust us to protect you!” And now we have yet another glaring example showing just how untrue that part is. During the recent school shooting in Florida, the cops came running … and then the Broward Cowards hid outside as the slaughter continued.

And in case you think this is unusual—in case you still think that cops usually bravely rush in to save the day—think again.

Now think about this, carefully. Those badge-wearing cowards who refused to go in to stop the murderer are the very same thugs who would have arrested you or me for merely possessing a firearm in the area. In other words, it is the same gang who sets us up to be helpless victims, which then fails to stop the victimization. That is who the “gun control” crowd wants having all the guns.

Even if you’re scared of guns, or worried about what “normal” people might do with guns, if you advocate “gun control,” you helped to create a killing zone where no one was going to come to the rescue of the victims. If, when it comes to protecting the innocent, you put all your hope in a gang of politicians and their hired thugs, despite the obvious pattern of incompetence, corruption, cowardice and sometimes malice among those who wield “authority,” then you helped to give the shooter an ideal situation in which to terrorize and murder innocents.

Empowering “government” and disempowering everyone else is neither wise nor virtuous. If you don’t possess the means or willingness to act as an armed defender of the innocent, at least stay the hell out of the way. Don’t act like a scared child, projecting your own cowardice and irresponsibility onto everyone else. Of those who cheer for “gun control,” I’m betting almost all of them, had they been at that Florida school during the shooting, would have done just what the spineless cops did: hide outside and leave the innocent victims helpless. And, if you’re like a lot of political leftists, from your fear and cowardice you are still demanding an ever-more-powerful “government” to make sure that people like me wouldn’t be able to intervene in such a situation. Because yes, I have the will and the means to do something about a situation like that, instead of just virtue-signaling by whining for some new legislative “solution” after the fact.

The Florida shooting is a perfect example of what happens when you put your faith in “government.” “If it saves one life, shouldn’t we have gun control?” What if it costs one life? Or seventeen? Is your actual goal the protection of the innocent? If it were, how long will it take you to notice that disarming the public and putting your trust in the badge-wearing thugs of the state has horrendously bad results?

In the absence of “gun control,” there is no guarantee that anyone would have had the opportunity or the machinery necessary to stop the shooter. But with “gun control,” there was a guarantee that they wouldn’t have the opportunity or the machinery to do so. If you’re one of the people who cheered for that, if you’re one of those people who wanted a situation in which only agents of the state have guns, well, you got it. You put your faith and trust in the all-powerful state and its mercenaries, and this is the real-world result. The fact that you meant well, or that you are compassionate, doesn’t change the actual results of the policies you demanded.

And since “gun control” proponents seem to be so driven by fear, so fond of emotion, and not so fond of facts, logic or principles, let me leave you with this thought: how many children were hiding in terror in that Florida school, just waiting for the brave “law enforcers” to charge in and save the day, like they always do on TV? But they didn’t charge in. They hid outside. And thanks to legislation, everyone else was legally prohibited from charging in to save the day. If you were one of the people who made sure that the only chance those kids had, depended upon the bravery of “law enforcers,” then you did the shooter a big favor.


I wonder if any of these people would be surprised to learn that the police have no legal responsibility to protect us?

More people need to know about this!

Notice that government is all too happy to broadcast these protests, unlike the #Occupy protests which they tried to ignore until all the nations mayors got together to coordinate a plan to shut them down with force.

As long as government runs the schools, our kids will not be safe Or educated.

The state has no use for an educated & confident people.

They know that knowledge is power. And having guns doesn't hurt either.

No doubt about it...knowledge is power. That's why "they" make sure to get the minds of the youth full of wrong knowledge through 12+ years of indoctrination. That leaves them week & defenceless for "their" plunder.

We gotta fix that; I'm all about ending legal plunder!

We're kindred spirits in that reguards, brothers in arms. Crypto for the win...$.B.D.??? One can dream.

And dream I will!

@highimpactflix said it well when he said "America wasn't built to be safe, it wad built to be free." & "I prefer the struggles & uncertainty of a freeman over the finest comforts of a well kept slave."

I can't believe that there are people who want to turn the whole country into a gun-free zone!

Only gun free for "We the People". The state ("government") would have plenty of guns & a real need to use them...on us who won't give our guns without a fight. The gun free people are actually calling for the biggest act of gun violence in history. Hypocrites!!!

That's a good point! I can't believe anyone can take those gun grabber views seriously when they are so incoherent and nonsensical.

"We the People are distroyed for lack of knowledge."

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Larken suddenly sounds much hotter

I agree with your point here. But being from the UK it difficult to fathom. We don't have gun crime like this so its had to understand. We have guns and if you want to get a gun it easy enough if you know the right people.

I personally think its the culture in the US and the media that cause these attacks not the fact there are guns freely available. If someone wants to do this they can and will. We had Dunblane in the remote Scotland where a guy went in and shot 16 kids and a teacher and guns are completely illegal here! So if the motive is there I don't think law or rule are going to stop it. It would be better to band the media from programming and causing such depression and feels of inadequacy! 💯🐒

Gun violence in the U.S. is mainly the result of cultural issues, the "war on drugs" (which is the fault of "government"), and "government" instigating or actually carrying out the shootings. But politicians still always want to use it as an excuse to empower themselves and disempower everyone else.

Awesome read. Sharing it far and wide.