Do you own your body? Can you prove it? Chances are, the answer to both of these questions is "no"...

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Here's a question I have: what would the case be in the event that the state that you were born under no longer exists? For example, I was born in 1987 in the Socialist Republic of Romania. It was overthrown and invalidated in 1989. Would this then invalidate the surety that the SRR established over me, or did it simply transfer to the new Romanian government?

That is a VERY good question, I have no idea. It's definitely something to look into though.

I'm probably going to have to pore over the government codes of Romania and make some calls. Which is unfortunate, as I no longer speak or read Romanian.

That might make it slightly more difficult :-/

Great question! I was born in the USSR, but I did get my American citizenship when I was underage. I wonder if immigrants sign something different that also fucks us over.

See, that's what I'm trying to figure out. As far as ownership of self within the legal framework of states is concerned, the birth certificate is the only document that establishes that the government owns in trust the person that is you. Now, citizenship papers create a legal obligation on the person that is you to obey the laws of the host state, but they don't represent a claim to the person; they merely establish that you are subject to the rules of that state and entitled to whatever benefits that citizenship confers upon a person (voting, holding state office, etc.).

We would have to look over the naturalization documents. The birth certificate they have is definitely a copy, and a translation at that.

Gee I lOVE to see the young and beautiful people awakening and assisting others! Knowledge is POWER
<Faaar out it is important we all get our heads around this! Most pople dont know they own their bodies because they didnt know the birth cert is a transferral of rights.
Yes! I consider I own my body. I have written and notarised affadavits of truth, that my body and property all belongs to my sovereign being, (Elissa Hawke) not my state owned corporation. (ELISSA HAWKE). (STOP SHOUTING AT ME STATE! FUCK OFF WITH YOUR CAPITUS DIMINUTIO MAXIMUS - TO CAPITALISE a womb/mans name is the greatest loss of status you can give to a womb/man - and then you may CAPITALIZE upon the poor ignorant mofo.)

I am ready to file these to any court on the planet that may want to incarcerate me.
Doing the paperwork is good, because in writing it up you learn the legal language and you begin to comprehend the automated slave status the
state assumes over us all.
However - more important than the papers is the innerstanding that we are all equals. Of course, no one has any authority over anyone else. We dont need to fight over that with anyone. That is natural as the sunshine. When we hold that energy within us, in a gentle way when dealing with authority, they dont have their usual full acceptance of a man in ignorance and they are legally bound to honor that womb/mans freedom.
On the record, in a court, if you establish sovereignty with these papers and file a UCC301-8 (in USA - the international holder of many nations peoples BCS), I have seen the court in Australia LOSE jurisdiction over a (living) man they were set to harvest.
An ex- boyfriend friend get himself out of a 12 month jail sentence when his friends and I filed his similar papers with a judge. Never underestimate the power of playing them at their own game withinn the rules. There are built in escape hatches in the fences for any of us who demand to be free. This allows them to escape karma, as they consider we have choice. Most of us dont get edumacated or self educate to the extent we claim our rights. However, thats not to say some grumpy cop or overzealous library monitor cant just taze you or accidentally shoot you in the face if you look at them sideways. Life still contains misfortune and cruelty. True sovereigns recognise every encountered relationship in life is a spiritual test. We learn to try and find/ see /expect / bring up the god in everyone. When we are calm sovereigns looking at and loving all our brothers and sisters as true family, the universe can move mountains. At the deepest level its about coming from a place of knowing love and trust, or fear. When we come from fear we create problems (reflections) for ourselves. When we come from love we surprise everyone and everything.

Am I owned by the state because some paper with scribbles on it say's so?
Or because I don't have the "original" "legal" "document" that say's so?
Can you prove it?

Scribbles on paper don't say anything. And I don't have to go anywhere to get those pieces of paper, or something like that. That would be like acknowledging that you are owned by the ones who give you the papers back.

You are speaking of papers as being legal or illegal documents.
There is no such thing as legal or illegal. Who declares something legal or illegal. And just because some mortal declare something legal or illegal and write it down doesn't make it legal or illegal. Where did they get the authority. In other words what made it legal for them to declare things legal or illegal........more papers and documents written by other mortals?
And how is he gonna proof it to me that he got the authority. By letting some other mortal write it down on paper?
I own myself and my body. If you say I'm owned by someone or something else. Proof it.

The proof is in that they hold that ownership to be true, and based on it can, and do, treat your body as their property. The fact that LEOs and other government agents are free to do whatever they want to you, your body, and your property shows pretty well how this "ownership" is played out.

I agree with you that their "legal" ownership is just a part of the game that they are playing, and the purpose of this article was to show people this piece of the game-board so they can step away from it accordingly.

I know what you mean. Just checking.
I've also investigated here and there, I probably know more about how it works in the US and Canada than in the country I was born in.

Where I live you can do something similar. The problem is that there are probably people from the government infiltrated in the organization that helps you with this kind of stuff.
I rather stay under the radar as much as possible, it probably is an illusion I know, but making myself known as a sovereign makes it very easy for them, to know where to go, if they ever decided to round up their opponents.

The burden of proof is upon the one making the claim. There simply cannot be proof of human ownership, and it is in violation of many laws as well. So, if in practice they act as though they own you, they are caught in a situation where they are also violating their own laws as well as logic. When it comes down to it, they have to drop it at the point you get them to admit that they claim such ownership. Up to that point, it is not challenged.

They have tons of "proof" in the legal sense, which is what was discussed here. The simple fact is that they are perfectly within their laws, as they were written specifically to accomplish these ends, and unless humans stop playing the game that has been set up, their going to continue to be treated, traded, and leveraged against by the state.

How does a judge rule in a situation where one law mandates what in another law is defined as a crime? The only answer can be 'Depends on who pays them'.

It appears that we have much in common. The awareness of important aspects of our existence is becoming stronger everyday. I attempted to comment on your 6 shifts post, but there was no reply button. So, just wanted to let you know that the power of this shift is already underway. We are living our lives by example in the ecovillage in Texas called the @gardenofeden, engaging sustainable realities and new paradigm living through the vision of enlightened master @quinneaker, visionary and founder of the GOE. If you haven't found us already, I feel you will resonate well with what we are sharing. I'm grateful to come across you and am upvoting and following you. May we all be blessed to come together for common purpose and be the change we wish to see in the world. Grateful for you.

I have actually been following @gardenofeden for some time. I would love to stop and visit the land on the tour that my partner and I are launching in the next few days. I'll reach out as we lock in more details, we will definitely be passing through Texas along the way.

Perhaps you have looked at our website? Check out the visit tab and for sure let us know when you are coming through. Would be awesome to connect.

I think you might have forgotten to go back and add a source:

According to _____, whenever the word "includes" is used, it means includes only.

I read a lot about the Freeman kind of stuff years ago, sent a lot of letters and asked a lot of questions. Normally what happened was, the bureaucrats would ignore my questions, repeat their irrelevant assertions, and refuse to define their terms.

I have to wonder, even if you go through this process, is it really going to mean that the government will leave you alone? When it comes down to it, they have the guns (and the belief of many people) on their side. On the other hand, if it really works... let's do that.

Haha, thanks for catching that, all filled in now.

I've heard varied reports from folks taking these steps, but most have had pretty positive results at least when it comes to having various court charges disappear. I'm certainly interested in testing things out and seeing where it goes.

I'm not the one to issue an opinion but your post is excellent congratulations

Great video, great article, so happy to see you back posting on Steemit again :-)

Great piece Kenny. What a rabbit hole...

This is always a fun rabbit hole to explore. Of course, the 'state', and all its legal concepts and documents are nothing more than ideas. They just happen to be ideas which most people aggressively enforce the assumption of. The state may produce documents that declare whatever they wish. I may disregard them. They may attempt to hurt me for doing so, but I can't control what choices they make. I may only determine my own thoughts and choices. Speaking of that, I am in possession and command of my mind and body, so I declare that I own it. Of course, you could wander down this rabbit hole further and contrive all sorts of arguments to the contrary, but I would suggest that the argument which is least logically flawed, or requires the fewest or simplest assumptions be granted to support its thesis is the most valid. Occam's Razor applied to logical analysis. Otherwise the argument can never reach a conclusion.