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RE: If banks and exchanges can hold our money against our will, crypto is essentially pointless.

in #anarchy7 years ago

I don’t have a machine for mining, no. Just my laptop.

Yes, Coinbase is awful as far as privacy and financial autonomy are concerned.

BitFlyer is the comparable Japanese exchange, so none of this is too surprising. Just highly frustrating and I want some free market solutions. Currently brainstorming some of my own.


Wish I could upvote that last sentence for $500.

Check into PC mining electroneum on your laptop. I can't on my windows 7 pc because the hardware is too old. Working on getting win10 for another rig, and I have a loaner rig from @ogbrog that's mining ETH right now.

Brainstorm all the things fam!!! A secure node on ZENcash is pretty inexpensive right now. Might be worth some investigation. And there's always hash renting for Bitcoin and BCH, though they don't serve decentralization much.