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RE: The Libertarian Case for Debt Forgiveness

in #anarchy8 years ago

Your theories are convoluted at best. It is physically and figuratively impossible to "steal from the government," when said government is fully funded by the American taxpayer. You are correct in saying that the federal government doesn't have any money...anything they provide in the form of an "entitlement program," has in fact been paid for through the illegal taxation of income, which is nothing more than legalized theft when it comes right down to it. If a person enters into a loan contract willingly and of their own free will, and then skips out of the country for the purpose of refusing to fulfill their financial responsibilities, they are not Libertarian, they are a leech, no different than the elected parasites currently fostering a 2 party political faction in the US. Morally speaking, if you borrow something from someone, you are responsible for ensuring its safe return, with or without interest; the only way you are absolved of this responsibility is if you die prematurely, or the person remitting the loan agrees to cancel the agreement in full. Libertarianism doesn't preach entitlements, which is precisely what you are advocating in this article; that individuals are entitled to reject financial responsibilities because their fellow taxpaying countrymen will cover it for them.