How the economic collapse is going to happen (Fiction? Or not?)

in #anarchy9 years ago


You wake up Saturday morning to go grocery shopping, but the bank is closed and the ATM won't work. You hear on your car radio that the hacktivist group Anonymous hacked the Federal Reserve Banking system and all the banks have frozen all accounts until they sort it out, including all credit card machines and EBT machines.

The inner-city ghetto and government housing dwellers on food stamps will riot when their EBT cards don't work, and the working poor in the cities won't be far behind them when their ATM's don't work and they have hungry families and no cash.

Next, roll in the troop carriers and tanks (to "support" local law enforcement and "keep the peace") as the mayors panic, declare martial law (state of emergency), and people start getting shot as troops summarily execute resisters and take the willing (or at least compliant) to FEMA internment camps staffed by UN troops (mostly Russian). Major highways are roadblocked with portable checkpoints with bulletproof glass (already purchased and in storage, awaiting deployment).

The government is containing the major cities so no one can escape (UN SAFE cities like Atlanta). Next, start bringing in UN troops according to treaties already signed by those who planned this massacre. The Federal government urges (coerces) the states' individual Governors to declare the sovereign States as in a "state of emergency". Then the Fed claims authority to run riot with DHS and UN thugs over every state in the Union. They will have to blame it on somebody other than those truly behind it, the banksters (Federal Reserve private banking system, illegal and unaccountable) and the domestic enemies like Barack Obama and most of Congress crashing the dollar through administrative overspending and the welfare state, all according to the same playbook most Communist insurrectionists have been tutored in.

All the ISIS "refugees" and drug cartels will contribute to the chaos as they try to carve out pieces of the pie for themselves, and this will cause many scared sheep to reach out as informants to the Fed for help, lumping the Constitutional Oath-keeping Sheriffs and deputies, the III% groups and other patriots trying to protect us in with the real threats.

Of course, many pastors have been prepped by the CIA and the NSA to urge their flocks to comply with the Feds and their DHS thugs and their proxies wearing blue helmets, and they will contribute to the slaughter of their sheep.

So will any visible politicians and leaders of establishment groups. Sure, blame it all on Anonymous. Why not?

Just a work of fiction... or is it? (dark chuckle in the background).

My opinion for what it's worth...
This is who they are going to blame the economic crash on. They already put out a story claiming Anon hacked the Fed Reserve and other banks. They are going to claim a hack took it down to avoid taking responsibility for how they have screwed us over.


Interesting article and certainly a sentiment shared by many anarchists (I am one). However, I would like to point out the other side of this and that is how the actions of the few can serve to counteract the martial law police state.

I can certainly foresee the above scenario playing out in some fashion if they are able to sweep it in quickly enough - and they certainly may be able to do that. But, if they hesitate and this is a teeter-totter event, I believe there could be time for those on our side to at least throw a punch. Does it land? I have no idea... I would certainly hope so.

What many of us forget is how many rather outspoken and fearless folks we have on our side. Do you see Adam Kokesh going quietly into the night? I understand he isn't beaming in on the flatscreen in every American living room but he certainly has a voice and a fairly fierce following.

I live in the Rockies and driving around the state seeing armed, decentralized people in a fairly rugged environment makes me think there could certainly be some hold-outs.


The end is near, my friend!

I completely agree. I will be writing something up on ways I, and others are trying to protect our wealth and getting prepared for this to happen

Please, write it!

I will be doing that in the next few days. Please either follow or be on the look out for it