
Yes, nearly every school of thought that condones the violent subjugation of mankind ("government" and "authority") opposes the idea of not having a ruling class. What a shock. If you think non-aggression, peaceful coexistence and voluntary interaction is "immoral and stupid," then I won't waste time trying to tell you anything new.

How did Pythageros overcome the corrupt ruling class of his time? Surely, not through anarchy. But rather educated men, the informed men then where able to make better decisions for themselves. Together, with the teacher attacked the root cause.

I've watched some of your videos, read this and that of your material. Agreeing with certain elements, however, once the anarchists dissent it gives rise to other threats which where not perceived. To each their own.

Let's see. Wars, police states, famines, economic turmoil, and blatant lies from government are a perpetual fact throughout history. Centralization magnifies the consequences of an individual's error into catastrophy over and over.

But those who say the system is broken to the core, and that those are features rather than bugs, and demonstrate by reason and evidence why individualist decentralization of authority is better are to be dismissed out of hand.

Seems legit.

Just curious if you would be willing to share why (in your own words) you think Anarchy is immoral and stupid?

"The human race will have no respite from evils until those who are really philosophers acquire political power or until, through some divine dispensation, those who rule and have political authority in the cities become real philosophers." - Plato

Pretty much sums it up.

Thanks for sharing... I did ask for your own words but hey Plato's are as good as any :-)

My understanding of what Plato / yourself are saying with this quote is that none of the evil in the world will stop until good, moral people (philosophers) get into power through government or that those who rule us (through divine intervention) some how become good and moral.

I could see you seeing this as a way to solve the problem of evils in the world but I do not see it as an answer to how Anarchy is immoral and wrong. Did I missing something here?

Anarchy etymologically means the absence of rulers, not chaos. So having no masters, no slaves and treating everyone as actual human beings with rights is certainly not immoral. I do appreciate your response because I try to understand where others are coming from, especially in cases where I disagree because it helps build understanding. Thanks!

When history shows a long train of corrupt, vain, short-sighted, power-hungry psychopaths in power, and we now understand that such power draws the corrupt and inevitably corrupts the virtuous due to the perverse incentives, what of Plato then?

Plato was a pioneer, but we don't rely on astrologers to describe the cosmos, or alchemists to describe the nature of matter. Plato was wrong on many important matters, and merely appealing to his authority is not an argument at all.

Everything in existence returns to its root cause. (A person that knows how to use chaos can absolve anarchy in a single process)There are no examples where anarchy work, for everyone that partook dissented on their initial cause. I dont understand the logic behind taking psychopaths out of power, inputting younger inexperienced psychopaths that vehemently demand instant gratification. There is no logic in these words spread about. If you cannot see solutions given by earlier philosophers, perhaps stop reading various texts "at face value."

Why not, get smart and use the system? Instead of larkenrose complaining like a child at end of his videos, why not offer a solution? Why not teach people how to put municipalities in a corner, in a dignified manner? This is why i state its immoral and stupid, much like the falsehood thats portrayed in the picture.

Society only functions because anarchy works. Government is a parasite on progress, not its foundation. Rejecting established psychopaths is not opening the way for new psychopaths.