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RE: Conversations With A Commie

in #anarchy7 years ago

Thanks for the shout out!

I wont be responding beyond this short comment due to the half of your last comment i bothered to read.

It seems you are more interested in berating and dominating me than actually reconciling our differences.
But thats ok, its your world and you have to put it in the order you find befitting your nature.


either quote one thing out of all the things you claimed I made up, or stop lying and now pretending to be victim. you are the one attacking. I defended. and very successfully as you still have nothing at all to say that would support any of your claims. you wanna play with big boys, you wanna offend and risk being offended? what did you expect? to be praised for the nonsense you are pushing?
It is a learning curve for you. Appreciate it. Use it wisely. Smarten up!

All the best to you ;)


I still like you. Wait till you see what how I will mop the floor with @funbobby51, the real, 100% sociopath, proud of wanting to rape, murder and enslave... till morrow :D

So, you agree that the workers could just keep working while refusing to pay?

workers do not pay to work, they get paid. the same as a hunter gets paid for work with deer. they can stop working and not get paid. hunter is free to lay down and starve. they can become champions in building sandcastles, start a podcast and become Rogan, or invent something that was not. they can do whatever people will find useful for improving their lives and show their appreciation by making them wealthy. everyone free to do whatever they like. we do not produce or do one thing. if a worker is not happy they should do what makes them happy. if the boss/project owner does not find people who are happy with what he offers, project is doomed and he needs to raise the offer to the point that will not jeopardize the whole project. it is called assertive negotiation, based on your skills necessary for the project. if they do not know what to do, it is better to have someone who helps them be useful to society, even on the smallest scale


Stick to the question, please.

Workers can stop playing along in this bankster dystopia by simply continuing to do the work while not paying their masters to get it back, yes?

The monkey master.

what bakers what? what does a banker have to do with me offering you something, you agreeing or not? you can agree or not. you can negotiate. you can do something else.


your question makes not sense. it is a question asked in a wrong way. the world does not work like this. I told you how it works. you cannot answer a question like "I can continue hunting dear and not feed it, right?" Yes, right. But it makes no fricking sense.
You are not paying anyone when you are hired in a free market.
You have to pay your political lords in statism. As I asked before use adult, honest language.
If you say "workers can work but can stop paying" it is an insane gobbledygook

This is why my instinct was to check out of this conversation.
You arent ready for the level of discernment needed, you are too convinced of your own infallibility.

So, again, the workers could simply keep doing the work while not buying that work back through wage slavery/profits, yes?
