The American Dream is Your Prison

in #anarchy8 years ago

Cancer rates rise as billions of dollars go into cancer research, while it is the pharmaceutical companies that stand to profit trillions of dollars off of more cancer patients. Cancer is a man made cash cow industry and those who control it have no intentions of finding a cure! But there are cures. And those cures are sanctioned by the FDA and kept suppressed from the public eye, because there is no profit in a cure!

Vaccines are not necessary nor are they safe! We are subjecting our children to this abuse while being reassured that we are protecting them, while autism rates steadily increase and children continue to have serious side effects and are dying.
Our food is being poisoned through genetic modification projects, causing serious health issues, including cancer, with GMO seeds infiltrating organic farms on the wind that carries them.
Our water is poisoned with the neurotoxin called Fluoride that we have been told was added to our water to strengthen our teeth and people actually believe that the government does the things they do because they are looking out for our best interest. Sodium Fluoride is an active ingredient in rat poison, and they put it in our water supply ultimately to exterminate us!

We are told that the aerosols being sprayed on a daily basis across our skies will impede global warming, but we are being poisoned with aluminum, barium and strontium, destroying our crops, our soil and our bodies. Global warming itself is a complete hoax! Every living organism creates carbon. Of course carbon levels will increase over time as our population increases. The climate change propaganda is just another fear mongering tactic and excuse to poison our air.

The New World Order calls for a massive reduction in population and these are the methods being enacted to reach that goal.
And people go about their day oblivious to what is happening, going to work for money that has no value, never realizing that they are a slave to The Corporation Of The United States of America. They would rather talk about the new frappuccino at Starbucks, or the Kardashians than research these things, dismissing it as “conspiracy theories” so they can stay comfortably numb to reality. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s no THEORY, but it certainly is a CONSPIRACY! So, it’s time to wake up and see that they want you sick, they want you dumb, they want you distracted, they want you to stay in your cozy little illusion chasing the American Dream. This dream is your prison, but the only walls are in your own mind!!


Nice work, i hope you grow fast on steemit ;)

Thank you! I wish you the best as well!

Agree! 'Feed and entertain' is the formula for a government to follow to keep their subjects from rising up. Straight outta the Roman Empire. No one notices or cares about corruption, freedom or living when they're obese, unhealthy and and addicted to TV.

Give them bread and circus and they will not revolt!

There are two types of citizens in any Jewmocrasy... the gentiles and the jews.

That about sums it up!