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RE: Peaceful People Deserve To Die

in #anarchy7 years ago

The liberty movement is infected with all sorts of disgusting people from pedos, fascists, and communists. It's really sad to think about actually, so I try not to think about it.

Is everyone an adult? Did they all consent? Then leave them alone. The stuff we are asking for isn't really complicated, right? A lot of people sure seem to make it far more complicated than it needs to be though.

I have a hunch why too. They are not in this movement to further individual liberty. No, they are in it to further their version of collectivism or perversion. /sigh The more people I meet, the more people I have blocked. LOL ;-)


the problem is how you apply economics to an oxymoron. if an AnCom will trade outside of their community, which is probable, as I do not think they would produce solar panels or fan coolers nor processors for the devices they value, they will need money and automatically become capitalists, or AnCap/Voluntaryists.

As you said... if anyone wants to be delusional as to what they really are, they are free to do it. But rationality is my goal.

Thanks for your great comment

There are voluntary communes a county over from me. I love talking about them though because they only welcome hard workers. What do they do with the things they produce? They sell them in local markets. haha Capitalism!

exactly! Voluntaryism. If I join a community voluntarily and I am free to agree on the rules and I trade my time, fruits of my labor that I own... :D

I am following you like-minded critical thinker ;) I will upvote and resteem your posts I agree with. I think it makes sense to support each other, as the counterbalance to communism ideology growing like a nasty cancer yet again. I think Voluntaryism is gaining on speed now. I really think we will be the "other half" soon... if we start organizing. I know... no herd mentality intended... just supporting each other in bashing ideas detrimental to humanity ;)