Banners Versus FlagssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


We have abandoned the cause of liberty and replaced it with corporate tax farm logos.

A banner was used in medieval combat to help warriors and their commanders avoid confusion. Banners were also an easy way to tell a friend from a foe, and there was no better way to rally your forces towards a shared objective. In other words, they served a vital purpose. People would rightfully die to keep them flying during a battle because winning sometimes depended upon it.

A flag has no vital purpose other than to distinguish one corporate tax farm from another. Blind nationalists and supposed "patriots" use them to commit all sorts of atrocities and acts of violence. We've all seen how upset statists get when their religious symbols are disrespected. The woman who peed on a flag, an act of political expression, has had a bounty put on her head even.

We need to discard meaningless corporate logos and pick up a banner worth carrying.

Instead of a piece of cloth on the end of a spear, pick up liberty's cause. Carry her banner into battle, and you will easily tell friend from foe. See the people standing beside you pressing forward? Those are your friends. See the people pressing against you? Those are your enemies. Look for inconsistencies in those around you also. Are they betraying or furthering liberty?

I purposefully used the image above to remind my friends of how important our unity is. Do not allow infiltrators, cointel agents, or saboteurs to divide our ranks. Please validate claims against people before you pass judgement against them. Remember that we are all flawed humans who may not always agree on the less important issues. I accept both the weaknesses and strengths of my friends because our shared cause demands it.

Remember: Liberty is worth any price.


Very good read.

I get so nauseated at the magic sky cloth worship here in the US that I almost have this aversion to flags.

Distinguishing the difference between a banner and a flag makes a lot more sense in that context.

Thank you! I'm disgusted by them too. Who can really say the USA flag represents individual liberty? Good luck with that argument. The flags of nations these days are far more similar to sports team jerseys.

How do you upvote yourself automatically like that? Is it a bot you use, or do you have a lot of accounts? I'm not complaining at all, and I'm just curious how it works. haha Thanks!

I'm not sure how that works.

I'm not a very technical guy when it comes to computer geekery.
This is my only acct. I'm guessing a few somebody's have me on some sort of auto upvote.

Yeah, it is weird. It's even more weird that you are not the one that set it up. haha

I agree with you to a point. Some of the ones pushing against may actually be asleep still. Try to wake some people up in addition to the above advice.

The USA, and the world by extention of the same powers behind the scenes, is quickly become a prison. If we do not fight now, there will be no island small enough to hide. I am surrounded by people who realize the problem but are too fearful to do anything about it. They are the rabbit that decides to stand still instead of run or fight. Human psychology has deceived them into thinking they will be safe as long as they do nothing.

I used to think the majority of people were asleep. I no longer do. The people are aware. They are making a choice to not fight. They reject dangerous liberty and embrace safety instead. Most people cannot even use their real name online (not saying you or anyone in particular but the point is valid) while defending liberty.

If we hide our values and objectives from our family and neighbors, what hope does our cause have? If no one is willing to publicly fight for it, who will our cause be advanced? As a PI for example I'm surrounded by statists. Many PI's are former LEO's. When they see what I represent... when they see the banner I am carrying, they turn away from me. I'm blacklisted because of liberty.

I am not sure what the answer is, but those of us who pick liberty over safety need to get our act together. We need to unite our cause, bring our individual banners together, and drive forward as one, not allowing smaller groups or individuals to repeatedly be crushed because they are alone and not reinforced.

Holy Pole Quilt means nothing to me.

That's a good name for it. haha

I'm sometimes discouraged by what I see. Grit is one of my strengths though, and I do not easily give up. Quitting makes me very angry and is always a dishonorable option. What I see a lot of lately is individuals with their own little battles, and they just don't care about the primary objective enough. They are selfish I suppose we could say.

Wealth is a great example of this. Liberty lovers need to build it. We need to have the same power as those against us. The wealth does no good though if it isn't put to good use for the cause. Are people using it to buy sports cars, or are they using it to defend their friends? I seek wealth to do good with it and to further liberty's cause. Sometimes I think there are others who are not doing that though (not you of course, friend).

So true- liberty is indeed worth ANY price

I don't seek conflict or misery because of the fight, but I will also not shy away from my duty either.

The laws of the banner, shield, flag, sword, and desk are all still alive and in operation today... I love how you tied it into the corporatacracy.

Good Job!
bravo meme.gif

Thanks! I've been writing this post in my head for a few days now. It still isn't perfect but gets the point across at least. Even voluntaryists have flags. Heck, I have a gadsden on the wall behind my computer at home, but it represents revolution from an imperal empire to me. It of course means something else to conservative "tea party" people however. My hope is to have people pick up the figurative banner of liberty instead.

And for liberty we MUST bring Civics back into school curriculums! Removing this vital class is the most damaging thing to happen to the school systems of this country...until Betsy Devos.

Government schools should be shut down completely. They are indoctrination camps. One of my middle son's teachers last year told him, "It's not right that one person is more successful than another." Uhm, I don't think so!

That's just a fool and someone who probably lied to get a teaching job. The problems with schools are that yes they are used to indoctrinate, which is why it's necessary to have an overhaul. There will always be disagreement as to what constitutes a good education, but we need to strive to kick corporations and their paid off congressmen/women out of the equasion.