A little about me.

in #anarchy6 years ago


Good day, ya shiny stars!

I'm new to steemit, so please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a passionate, introverted, Voluntaryist who answers to Happy. Set out in search for Übermensch rules, personal and political freedom, and how the study of psychology and nature provides these answers.

I consider myself a self-aware, fringe anarchist, lone-car-road-trippin', polyamorous, Juggalo who digs freedom, hiking, photography, street fashion, make-up‚ body modifications, underground art and music, minimalism, prepping/survival, personal security, changing the world with love and smiles, and so much more!

I've been wanting to start a blog about all the things I think are important in life. I figure what better day than today to begin sharing my wacky thoughts and projects, which can change from day to day, but in the end hopefully all get finished. I'm currently learning how to survive in a small car while road tripping and doing it on a budget.


Sowing seeds of freedom, love, and peace are a priority everywhere I go. I desire making connections with all sorts of people, hopefully meeting true and honest folks along the way, while searching for a place I can finally call home. For now, vagabond it is.

So far I've learned that most people are good and leave you to your business. Despite what you hear on the news everyday, there is very little to fear when you're out there. Whether alone or with your family, if you keep your senses and awareness on, you'll survive just fine.

I hope to inspire you to get out there, search your soul using love and passion, find yourself, and BE THAT!

Happily your friend,



Hey welcome to Steemit :-D! Come for the rewards, stay for the decentralized revolution!

One tip that I heard along the way for someone who is road tripping or living in a car- get a membership at a popular gym (preferably 24 hrs) that has locations near where you will be going and you can use their showers and bathrooms whenever you need to.
Some gyms have reasonable membership rates as low as $10 a month.

Anyways good luck out there and remember that hard work is rewarded over time here and you will have to network to build friends and gain exposure.

Hi! The gym membership is an awesome idea, gonna have to look into that. Thanks for the tip and the welcoming message. Much appreciated.

You can always do a "tent camp" at a KOA or similar camp ground to shower, etc. as well. Truck stops have them also as you know. It's doable but be safe out there!

Yes! There are some pretty amazing truck stops out there. AAMOF, just today I picked pocket sized truck stop guide to help me along the way. You ever been to the Iowa 80 TA in Wilcott? It's the largest truck stop in the world. I spent the night there and had a great time. There's even a trucker museum! I'm pretty fascinated by all dem big trucks. Thanks for leaving a comment. Peace and safe travels to you as well!

"Sowing seeds of freedom, love, and peace are a priority everywhere I go." It's so crucial that we anarchists prioritize exactly those aspects of the philosophy, especially when traveling. I can already sense that yours will be a great blog to follow. I can't wait to see where you take this.

Hey, thanks! I also can't wait to see where this little project of mine goes. As a Voluntaryist I keep a list of rules to follow, one of them is "be kind to everyone I meet, but always have a plan to kill them." I believe following this simple rule keeps me safer and wiser than most. Rudeness brings unwanted attention and people don't like helping rude. kindness brings trust and likeability and buy-in that you're a good person. These things are very important on first impression and can save your life out there. Stay safe, Ballew!

@errvoluntaryist, I gave you an upvote on your post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return and possible future votes!

Thank you in advance!