The People are Their Own Worst Enemy, but there are Still Possibilities for R/Evolution

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


With the influx of information on the internet causing great awakenings among the people, the people’s ability to free themselves from authoritarian ideologies is becoming more apparent and possible. Actually, it is now very possible for people to start building a society without imposed ideologies from strangers. But, there are still massive problems – ones that I and many others have recognized, but, for the most part, people will not talk about deeply enough. The first is the peoples mental inability (from conditioning) to see possibilities in alternative systems, and/or just plain lack of interest in having a better society (also a result of conditioning). The other major problem is the lack of directly addressing the establishments hold on society. Addressing the elite hold on the financial system, irrational “laws” and the legal system, and their violent approach to everything is absolutely mandatory for humanity to evolve. The people continuously allow the establishment to interfere in all aspects of life, especially with discoveries that seem promising for social evolution. Two areas that I see this happen a lot recently, are with cannabis, and cryptocurrency.

The people have made great strides in recent years with both cannabis and cryptocurrency. There are more “legal” cannabis states than ever, and bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, has skyrocketed to as high as $5000. With cannabis – the age of information has awakened people to the many possibilities of the plant, both medicinally and industrially, and its long history. On the medical side, the discovery of the endocannabinoid system has shined a light on the many benefits of cannabis for illness and overall well-being. On the industrial side, hemp is better than the establishment industrial applications in almost every way for various industries, like fuel, food, engineering, and textiles. With cryptocurrency, decentralization of financial operations (and many technological innovations) is now possible, without banks and govts being involved. But the same damn problem keeps cropping up when something the people want and see possibilities with – these elite strangers decide insert themselves into the equation and tell everyone if and how these things will work!

As I stated before, the people have made great strides with cannabis, but one govt affiliated a-hole (in the case senator Jeff Sessions), who is completely ignorant about the plant, can come out and threaten to disrupt the entire cannabis industry. Whether or not it will happen is unknown, but the fact that the people allow strangers to wield this type of power, backed by irrationality and violence, is THE problem. As I stated before, people have made great strides with cryptocurrency, making them legit and used in the real world. The values of these new currencies are jumping, while the establishment central bank debt based fiat currencies struggle to stay afloat. But, yet again, strangers from govts are threatening to disrupt the crypto market, and with some success due to fear mongering. Is it the problem that the govt is trying to interfere, or that the people ALLOW these strangers to keep interfering?

Look at both of these situations. Cannabis and cryptocurrency were both demonized with the most irrational bullshit excuses by the establishment, and with their horrible policies, they ruined many lives with their actions. But now that all the fear mongering garbage about cannabis and crypto is being debunked, and there is a lot of financial successes in these areas, the establishment wants to stick their big snout into everything so that they can get a piece of the action – plain and simple. But, is the problem really the establishment forcing themselves into the situation, or is the problem the people ALLOWING them to barge in?

It is THE PEOPLE. The people have allowed terrorist, authoritarian, self-appointed elitists to monopolize life. When the govt decides to interfere, the people stand back and just complain about, maybe threated to march in the streets, write “their congressman”, or wait for the next time the establishment tells you that you can vote on it. People will talk all kinds of shit about how well the cannabis industry or crypto is doing, but then regress when elite “powers” step into the scene. Some even become complacent and vaguely support tax and regulations, making excuses on why strangers need to be involved in your life to tell you what to do. What is comes down to is that THE PEOPLE GIVE THEMSELVES NO POWER! They give power to everything establishment created – they use estab money, and when there are money troubles, they try to find other ways to get this estab creation – instead of creating a new currency! Crypto is available now, and many are afraid to invest due to complete conditioning into only being comfortable with the establishment option. Some slam crypto, calling is fake money, when central bank fiat debt currency is the most fraudulent fake money there is! The people haven’t created any type of legal system to protect themselves from the estab, they actually think they can use the estab legal system and lawyers to fight the system!? Most grocery store food isn’t even food, but it’s completely “legal” to buy, but finding organic food can be very difficult, expensive, or both. Some states even have laws against selling certain organic foods. Medicines okayed by the estab kill over 100,000 people per year, yet safer natural alternatives, like cannabis, are “illegal”. The estab is supposed to be made up of the best and brightest, and their immature solutions to problems are bombing people or causing other hardships for many.

People, what the hell are you doing? What are you waiting for? What is it you really want out of life, society, and for your children’s future? Today, more than ever, you have options for moving away from imposed social systems, and building a society to be proud of. Even with just cannabis and crypto, the people could drastically, yet peacefully change the world. For people interested in how to possibly use these two concepts as an entry to r/evolution, I will do a follow up to this post. For people new to cannabis and/or crypto information, I will start posting links so that you can catch up. It is time to connect the minds of those with interests in the natural world, minds of the anti-establishment, minds of the tech savvy, minds of peace, minds of health and nutrition, minds of relevant education, minds of artists of all types, minds of security/protection, and minds of innovators of the “next big” engineering and technological feets - on the blockchain to create a massive decentralized movement, using all the updated educational info we as humans have gained over the last several years, to literally begin a massive transition. It is literally possible right now.


Right On! I can't wait to read the follow up posts to this @enjay!

Thank you Lyndsay!

I agree with you for the most part I think this is a good summarization of two areas that are showing real progress. I love me some cannabis, but I'm careful about saying it'll heal too many things because we just don't know yet. The most important thing is to open up cannabis to medical research and testing so we can really understand it. I do think there is a lot of potential though.