What It's REALLY like to be an Anarchist

in #anarchy9 years ago

I'm pretty sure most anarchists will tell you that attaining that moment of non compliance to authority, ridding themselves of slavery to live freely is a rather nice feeling.

It certainly was for me I can honestly say that I'm the happiest I've ever been...and at the same time I'm the saddest. Some anarchists will tell you of their cause and the hardships that come with it, and will then move along skipping into the sunset not a care in the world.

For others like me it's not that simple.

Since becoming an anarchist I've tried desperately to open people's eyes and ears to the world around them, hoping they would understand the truth from the algorithm of life and take it from there. It's not been easy trying to spread truth and awaken people's hearts and minds.

Just the other day I was having a jolly conversation on twitter regarding anarchy and the lovely lady I was speaking to told me "the first steps to anarchy are to remove the bad MP's and replace them with good ones"

Now I tried to tell her that anarchy meant no rulers or self rule and so replacing masters with "better" masters was never going to solve the problem. I don't think she was ready to go that deep as the conversation ended abruptly right there. I've lost count of the number of times I've been called crazy or a lefty or something combined into a nonsensical word that doesn't even exist.

I've had some small victory's however, like the WHG cleaner who refused to remove an old carpet because "those are the rules son" I remember talking to him for a good half an hour explaining that rules are not always right and reminding him of a bunch of people who just followed orders. He eventually relented and moved the carpet. (although he probably did it just to shut me up)

A few years back I was threatened with prison time by a cop because I wouldn't tell him where I had slept one night. "I can arrest you for withholding information and you'll be locked up mate" he told me, I responded by crossing my arms and saying "this way or behind my back, how do you prefer to arrest me?"

It's tough and at times it's really disheartening but the small victories keep me going...somewhat.

Thanks for reading and your comments are always welcomed :)


I know how you feel. I have been harassed by my hometown police for 20 years, jailed more times than I can remember, and thousands of dollars stolen from me. Keep up the good work my friend. :)

Thank you for the reply :)

"that moment of non compliance to authority"
lol, that's not being an anarchist, that's being a teen... time to grow up...

"like the WHG cleaner who refused to remove an old carpet because "those are the rules son" I remember talking to him"
That's being an ass with working people and bothering people about something which has no importance what so ever... and not understanding that it could get him fired...
lol, you really took anarchy to its next level, congrat...

actually not complying with authority just because it is the authority, is equivalent to complying with the authority because you still aknowledge there is an authority (and you just chose to mess with it)