
in #anarchy8 years ago

by: Abdun Nur

The term itself originates with the Roman Catholic Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (sacra congregatio christiano nomini propagando or, briefly, propaganda fide), the department of the pontifical administration charged with the spread of Catholicism and with the regulation of ecclesiastical affairs in non-Catholic countries (mission territory).
The actual Latin stem propagand- conveys a sense of “that which ought to be spread”.
Propaganda techniques were first codified and applied in a scientific manner by journalist Walter Lippman (Jewish) and psychologist Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud (Jewish)) early in the 20th century. During World War I, Lippman and Bernays were hired by the United States president Woodrow Wilson to sway popular opinion to enter the war on the side of Britain.
The war propaganda campaign of Lippman and Bernays produced within six months so intense an anti-German hysteria as to permanently impress American business with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control public opinion. Bernays coined the terms “group mind” and “engineering consent”, important concepts in practical propaganda work.
For example after the end of the second world war the Ashkenazi Zionist elite generated fictional claims to rewrite history, such claims as the use of gas chambers to exterminate inmates, the use of fluoride to make concentration camp inmates docile, the making of lamps and ornaments from the skins of prisoners, the banning of private gun ownership, and encapsulating the small lies the huge one of the “Jewish Holocaust”, are instances of effective group mind propaganda campaigns.
A more recent example is the now discredited claims of Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ (daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the U.S., Saud Nasir al-Sabah) At the beginning of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, during the Gulf War, when in tears during her testimony she openly lied. “They are taking all hospital equipment, babies out of incubators. Life-support systems are turned off.” These complete lies were even corroborated by Amnesty International, this is propaganda designed to engineer consent.
Lies are the life blood of all governments, some modern lies that the propagandists have invented, re-spin actual events, or even construct fictional events using actors that are presented by the global media as actual events.
The big lie was the attack on the twin towers in New York in 2001, 9/11, this attack was staged and executed by agents of the American Government Corporation and the Israeli Government Corporation, with three controlled demolitions preplanned and with loosely scripted media coverage pre-organised.

The assault on the minds of the masses is constant and unrelenting, it begins as soon as television is introduced to the child, then almost all hope is lost with the imposed State education system. The propagandist instill patriotism as the bed rock of the fiction of national identity, the divide and conquer that separates brother and sister from brother and sister, allowing the patriot a belief others are inferior, dangerous or out to get them.

The Illusion of Choice
The core of all propaganda is to limit perceptions of choice, making a lesser of two evils a mind-set that can only propagate evil; if you only have evil as a choice you have no choice at all. The choice is never the greater of two goods; for example in a choice of any representative there could never be a good choice in selecting a master to dominate you.

In general being given a choice by government is always an illusion, a way to justify conformity, ultimately choice is reduced down to them versus us; and to that end propaganda is utilised to generate and reinforce stereotypes, racism, bigotry, patriotism and groundless fear are the life bloods of the propagandist, both as their endless purpose, to firmly establish within the mind logical fallacies, and their ceaseless intensification to sustain those lies. The purpose of propaganda is to create a deceitful perception that fills a mind with a belief they are knowledgeable and fully informed, that the actions of those you identify with are always ethical and honourable, while those you’re manipulated into perceiving as your enemies, always act unethically and dishonourably, this projection consists of accusing the others of the misdeeds the propagandists or those they represent are committing. To project the propagandist must first establish dislikes, fears, or misperceptions about the person or group they target.
Conspiracy Theory
The term “conspiracy theory” was corrupted in the 1960s as a label transformed into a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events as off limits to inquiry or debate, this social engineering leads towards “thought crime” persecution. Socially engineered “conspiracy theory” is a reversal from its actual meaning of an explanatory or speculative hypothesis suggesting that two or more individuals, or an organisation, have conspired to cause or cover up, through secret planning and deliberate action, an event or situation typically regarded as criminal or harmful. Although a great number of conspiracy theorists have been proven correct, often years later, all conspiracy theorists contradicting the State propaganda are attacked with the contrived derogatory meaning, denoting explanations that invoke conspiracies without warrant, claiming that any hypotheses contradicting the prevailing government or media assertions of historical events, through the pointing out anomalies, lies and presenting new evidences are the work of wackos and the mentally damaged.

accuse others
A Tiny Number of the Numerous Examples of False Flags Through Recent History

The Russian Tsar’s secret police set off bombs and killed people in order to blame and arrest labour agitators.

Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track in 1931, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This is known as the “Mukden Incident” or the “Manchurian Incident”. The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found: “Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions “admitted” their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the ‘Incident’ was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army ….”

Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev “admitted” in writing that the Soviet Union’s Red Army shelled the Russian village of Mainila in 1939 – while blaming the attack on Finland – as a basis for launching the “Winter War” against Finland. Russian president Boris Yeltsin agreed that Russia had been the aggressor in the Winter War.The Russian Parliament, current Russian president Putin and former Soviet leader Gorbachev all admit that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians in 1940, and then falsely blamed it on the Nazis.

The British government “admits” that – between 1946 and 1948 – it bombed 5 ships carrying Jews being transported to Palestine by the Germans, set up a fake group called “Defenders of Arab Palestine”, and then claimed the psuedo-group falsely claim responsibility for the bombings.

Israel “admits” that in 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed).

The CIA “admits” that it hired Iranians in the 1950′s to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democratically-elected prime minister.

The Turkish Prime Minister “admitted” that the Turkish government carried out the 1955 bombing on a Turkish consulate in Greece – also damaging the nearby birthplace of the founder of modern Turkey – and blamed it on Greece, for the purpose of inciting and justifying anti-Greek violence.

The British Prime Minister admitted to his defense secretary that he and American president Dwight Eisenhower approved a plan in 1957 to carry out attacks in Syria and blame it on the Syrian government as a way to effect regime change.

The former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence admit that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and other European countries in the 1950s through the 1980s and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism. They also allegedly carried out terror attacks in France, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the UK, and other countries.

As one former participant in secret programs stated: “You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason are quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security” … so that “a state of emergency could be declared, so people would willingly trade part of their freedom for the security”.

media deception
The majority of people used to believe the main stream media without question, a few still do, but that belief has always been misplaced, the rise of the internet has exposed the true nature of the mainstream media, a system of corruption and lies that passes as corporate disseminated news.
In 1917, Congressman Oscar Callaway documented in the official Congressional record that multi-millionaire JP Morgan (J.P. Morgan was born a Jew but baptised as a Christian for unknown reasons) had infiltrated the U.S. media for the sole purpose of exploiting and controlling it. Morgan hired twelve of the top news managers to help him determine the most influential newspapers in America. The idea was to find the primary key news institutions that other news outlets looked to and were thus influenced by. (This is documented in the official U.S. Record, volume 54, dated February 9, 1917.)

media lies
Morgan then bought or infiltrated the top 25 news organisations reported to him by his task force of news managers. An editor was assigned to run each paper, making sure that all news stories were selected, censored, agendas developed, events manipulated, exaggerated, embellished, or invented to socially engineer, or direct mass opinion to conform to political or economic objectives. Across all industrialised nations the State corporations supply the majority of main stream media sources.
In the 1940’s the CIA infiltrated the media, having selected journalists parrot the official government line under the guise of national patriotism. Some news members were simply duped, naively thinking that they were helping America by disseminating important news accepted from official sources without question. Others were unscrupulous and morally deficient in their professional trade and were easily enough bought out, spewing whatever disinformation and propaganda that they could cash in on.
This project was known as “Operation Mockingbird,” the objective total control of the U.S. media system.
“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” CIA Director William Colby.
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” CIA Director, William Casey.
CIA unstable
Who controls information can use that data for political gain, power and wealth.
The manipulations and deceptions are not limited to printed media, the ‘programming’ of television upon the minds of the masses is just as powerful. A common adage is; “If it were true it would be on the News!”, but even this bastion of deception has its curtain ripped open and the truth exposed upon the internet, the movie industry is no less dominated, independent movie and television are often banned, blocked or censored to maintain the State or corporate propaganda.
“All of the indicators show a deterioration. Numerous authorities are trying to regain control of their countries, fearing overly open public debate. Today, it is increasingly easy for powers to appeal directly to the public through new technologies, and so there is a greater degree of violence against those who represent independent information. We are entering a new era of propaganda where new technologies allow the low-cost dissemination of [governments’] own communication, their information, as dictated. On the other side, journalists are the ones who get in the way.” Christophe Deloire


Where are your References? I found some of this text at:

@cheetah I need you!!

the essay isnt mine, it is my friends, this is his site page where the essay is.