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RE: Evil Entrepreneurs - Making a Moral Case for Capitalism - PART 1

in #anarchy9 years ago

I love what you said here:

"I'm talking about the time spent on the business. Money is everywhere around you, even if you fail as an entrepreneur you can go back and try it again. The thing about time is, well, it passes. You lose it forever. A smart entrepreneur could take advantage and learn from the mistakes he or she made, but that's about it. When you lose time you don't get it back."

People who say things like "life isn't about money", are missing what money is supposed to represent, because their minds are locked into what money has been turned into by governments via coercion.

Any monetary exchange is an exchange of a representation of my time and effort. I use it to represent that I spent some of my FINITE LIFE creating something or providing value for someone else, and by them compensating me with money for that, I receive some of my "time" back, in order to use that to purchase other things I don't have time to make myself.

Basic Econ 101.

I love you for writing this so eloquently and can't wait to see more. :)
I will be soon posting a video and doing an interview where I discuss more of what I think are the massive implications of this kind of platform concept.


Thank you a lot for your response! I really appreciate everything you said. Money is definitely much more than those government tokens and that's why I love this platform so far. As someone said, steemit shows to everyone they need to reconsider what money is, and it does it in a very unique way.

Even though it's hard for people like me to get noticed on any social network, I hope someday when I gain more experience (since I'm 20) I'll be able to spread my message in more efficient ways.

It means a lot to me that you took time to read it. Can't wait for the video! Thank you! :)