What You Should Know About The Paradise Papers Psyop

In 2015, the “Panama Papers” were leaked and last week the “Paradise Papers” continued the psyop.
Psyop, you say? But, it was on the 'news'!
That’s how you know it is a psyop.
In this interview with Dan Dicks of Press For Truth, I go into the reasons for this propaganda and who it serves and why.
In the next 24 hours we’ll be releasing the next issue of the TDV newsletter (subscribe HERE) where I divulge a lot more information on the fight for bitcoin and suggest the best ways to profit from and protect yourself as this battle continues.

I think there is targeted people behind these and they are doing their job best and my best wishes with them.
God bless them.
@dollarvigilante Jeff always brings the BEST in Content. I can't wait until the Morning Dog Walks start again. LUCY SITz !
Dan Dicks seem a bit unsure about crypto...
Awesome read
I did put an update on my wall after paradise papers made public but you know these are not the topic of intrest when updated by redfish. Thnx for proving TDV newsletter and mentioning the term psyop why bcoz u added
one more word to my dictionary ☺
He called the pentagon the pantogram. That’s funny. I always liked the “social insecurity” one, too. That pentogram one is a good one though. Thanks again for the real news!
Professional extortitionists.
People in charge of the systems collecting these "extortion fees" (politicians, monarchs, bureaucrats, etc.) also get caught hiding away huge amounts of money (often earned through extorting such fees or abusing their positions trading money for services). I think it's a good thing that hypocrisy like this is coming out, be it on propaganda news or in your local newspaper. I believe transparency on this field is a good thing, and that it's actually necessary for opening people's eyes and kickstart changes that are much needed. But I may be wrong.
If the powers that be don't stay on top of the pyramid, who will?