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RE: Can someone help me out with this argument?

in #anarchy9 years ago

Firstly we are speaking about the USA; number one the system is set up so that if people vote those votes are directed or used I some fashion to decide on candidates to become Representatives.

Next thing to remember is the system is set up to form some sort of workable government so by electing not to vote; the system still uses votes and non-votes to decide who is going to be your Representative.

Remember this Representative does not know nor care if you voted for them; their role is simply to do whatever it is that they do. Each Representative is give a dozen official staffers so there is no way you will ever have to soil your good name nor reputation by being seen or having to speak with a modern politician.

So regardless if you choose to vote or you choose to not vote well my opinion is you your so messed up to not even care about living in a democracy then I think your sworn security services should stick you on a black flight to Cuba for some a rendition or two by some American heroes.

Service men and women when they are not torturing unknown prisoners with the ideals of making citizens feel safe actually go to war occasionally to defend Americas rights to hold elections. It is totally irrelevant that those military personnel have no clear ideas on how to actually win wars except in theory.

If Americans cannot be bothered to take the time and effort to vote when their country gives them that privilege; then, essentially they are domestic terrorists and a threat to the ongoing ideals of having a stable government running this country.

In other words you are such a radical saying that you feel the right to vote is not useful or relevant, when did you last write to the newspaper editor and express an opinion ?

What protest rally's or anti social sit-ins have you attended ? Have you written to the taxation office stating you will no longer be paying taxation nor filing any future tax returns?

In other words failing to vote is just one of the most lame ways to show the system you are unhappy with professional work for welfare payments making crazy decisions for their contributors based around lobbyists advice...

Your choices are clear you can waste your vote by not using it; of you can vote for a man who is a billion after so many times in bankruptcy or you can vote for a woman who married a politician.

Regardless you do not have any say in who your next President will be, that vote is not yours; the Presidency is decided by the Electoral College; there are far to many government contracts and stakeholders to be rewarded to have such a high office decided upon by willful voters...

After all a modern politician is someone who is to dysfunctional to have a boss, to lazy to hold a job and to cowardly to launch a start up business. So if you cannot figure out someone worth voting for come November, then use your vote to tell your sitting Representative " Your Fired ! " . . .

/ hugz ;)