Government: Rotten To The Core

in #anarchy7 years ago

Government at its core is funded through violence. The Government cannot exist without a monopoly on certain goods or services or it would be a business. It is a parasite to people everywhere and it tries to grow everyday, only through understanding and knowledge and the ability to create more efficient services and products that government provide so when it gets so massive their will be a voluntary system in place free of violence or threats of jail.
Some people claim a certain form of government will fix problems, but they do not see the root cause of the problem. That problem is the core or foundation of government, as it has to be funded through violence. The author claims that government is by definition a parasite, it is bred by human nature to want to own and control other humans, It is the root of almost all evil in the world.
The government cannot exist without a monopoly on violence and force, for example if you disliked something about a friend or neighbor that harms nobody and you put him in a cage would that be moral or ethical? Yet when you introduce the idea of Government then morality goes out the window and it's justified to do exactly that, with money taken by theft in the process.
The Government or the “state” cannot be funded without the threat of violence, if so it would be considered a business if it was voluntarily ran. McDonald's cannot force you to buy their products, but the state can force you to purchase their services. If any other organization forced you to buy their products or services their would be public outrage and no one could claim it’s not violence at its core. Yet when the word “taxation” is introduced and collectivism takes hold Violence is shrouded in a Euphemism for what it really is, theft by definition.
To Illustrate This The Author Uses a clever Analogy to explain how Taxation or the main funding source of government is actually Theft. By Definition Theft: the act of taking property or money belonging to another, by force, stealth, or coercion without that person’s freely given consent.
Now look let's look at the definition of Taxation. Tax: a financial charge imposed upon a person or group, by the government, to fund the government and its programs, which is enforced by threat of punishment under the law. The Author then compares it with the definition of coercion and threats and comes to the conclusion “the government action of taking money by force through coercing people with threats of punishment (violence) for not paying.” and sometimes that violence can be deadly
Most people complain about the government and have a nebulous feeling of malaise with government, but they use circular logic thinking the system has been corrupted instead of the system at its core is corrupt. The more you dig for logic and truth you realize that the politicians and the system is flawed from the foundation. The heart of Government is not a great wonderful thing since it can only take to give to others. It is not a shining light in a world of chaos but the opposite a rotten core founded on violence and positive rights.
Society is what we all must protect from the surrounding coercion and violence that is Government. That is why the house is beyond repair, it is infested in daily life like a parasite. It's something that cannot be fixed but you can raze the structure, and create a more efficient peaceful existence.
Not through violence but through knowledge, logic and understanding that aggression at its core is wrong no matter if you are in a position of authority or a civilian. Change can only happen once enough people abandon the idea of the system we live in now. And create a new foundation that is not at its core violent. and change can only come from us and through social evolution of people like you and me to stop obeying evil peacefully. As a new foundation rotten at its core will create more violence. We must build on fertile land and life peacefully without the initiation of force.

Work(s) Cited
Anonymous Author: “The House Is Beyond Repair” (February 2013)
“Taxes are Theft: By Definition” (March 2011)