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RE: NSP Ep 29 Non-responsive Answers Makes the Claim “Philosophy” and Irrefutable

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Sounds like a government of the people by the people for the people. Self governance without a single monarch.

I believe, from simple observation, that the Officers and directors in our government often get confused about to whom or what they've sworn fealty to; the fiction that is the constitution and the rule of law or the persons they are subordinate to in the hierarchy of State officials and/or their party's ideology. This same concept can be found amongst the Jews where Christ called out the Pharisees for following their oral traditions (later to become the Talmud) over the commandments or the law so to speak. This same confusion happens today in law enforcement so I applaud anyone who attempts to show them the error in their ways but Not people want to tear down the law and remake it in their own image as you're attempting to do, Marc.

The evidence of jurisdiction is as fictional as any law or code of ethics you're attempting to establish. The only real law is the law of the Jungle enforced at the tip of the spear while hunting food and shelter. #