
Exactly my experience as a late 90s DJ/promoter :)

Are you really in that business now. I mean do you work as a promoter still? I'm a DJ. And love to learn stuff from you ..Im educating myself on marketing and the music business to sell get my music delivered to people more these

Well, the telepathic moments are fairly easy to put in words. It's the countless other stuff that I felt and experienced that can't be put in words. I had a few times where I did things like jump in on a conversation out of nowhere, as if the person was talking about it, and then they freaked out and asked how I knew what they were thinking about. I've seen other people do this too. Once, when I was on K, me and a budy were mumbling to each other at a rave and were having a conversation, and didn't know we weren't actually saying words until our girlfriends found us and told us we weren't saying anything. Stuff like that. Towards the end of my peak times, near year 2000, I used to walk by, or sit by, people and try to tune in to hone my skills. It was there, but the best moments happened on accident.