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RE: Anarcho-Christian Monarchism

in #anarchism9 years ago

One more thing: I think it's important to clarify here who you believe is violating the NAP. An ideology cannot violate the NAP. Only people can. So a person or group who claim to hold a particular ideology, a religion, say, can violate the NAP. Humans are fallible, and yes, that would be wrong. But it's not the ideology acting independently from man. So are Christians violating your right to not be aggressed against? If not, is it then God who is violating the NAP? If God does not exist, then He cannot violate the NAP. Is my supposedly erroneous belief in God a violation of the NAP? If so, then who am I violating? Am I violating myself, in believing something that is, in your opinion, false? That seems like a stretch. If I choose to believe something and act in accordance with it, am I not exercising self-rule? Please indicate where the violation lies.