I Don't Want To Be An Anarchist Because Of The Sex Pistols!

in #anarchism9 years ago (edited)

Well not directly, I love the music of the Sex Pistols and I get the whole revolt theme of the time period, so let me explain.

As a teenager, I used to draw the Anarchy symbol all over the place; notebooks, book covers, jackets, you name it, it was on there. This was not just me.  All of my friends pretty much did the same. We were into heavy metal and thrash metal music at the time.

As teens, we used that symbol as a form of rebellion much in the tradition of the Sex Pistols as they used it in their song “Anarchy in the UK” that really popularized the term.  The heavy metal bands Megadeth and Motley Crew also redid "Anarchy in the UK", which helped with a resurgence in the popularity of the term Anarchy in the music counterculture. The Anarchy term and symbol was thrown around a lot without much thought from those who were using it.

I have long identified as a Ron Paul Libertarian and am considering the ideals of Anarchism. 

Because of the previous association of the term Anarchy as a teen, as an adult I find it hard to call myself an Anarchist. The word has been used in such a different manner in popular culture that I find it hard to want to identify with a movement called Anarchism. In my opinion, the connotation of the term will prevent others from exploring or even considering the merits as well.  

I’ve have recently noticed folks using the term Voluntaryism. In Larken Rose’s inaugural Steemit post he proclaimed: 

My name is Larken Rose, and I’m a voluntaryist. Or, if you prefer the scary-sounding, often misunderstood term, I’m an anarchist. 


I would contend that even though the term Anarchist is often misunderstood; in order for people to understand the true meaning of Anarchism, the movement should abandon that term altogether for Voluntaryism. This is largely due to the Sex Pistols initially using and popularizing the term Anarchy; and therefore, why I don’t want to be an Anarchist because of the Sex Pistols. Also, the popularity of the show Sons of Anarchy hasn’t helped much either. 

Voluntaryism is a much more pleasing term that folks like myself can readily identify with. If the goal is to grow the movement, then this is something that should be strongly considered. 

I’d love to hear the thoughts from the Anarchist/Voluntaryist crowd.


anarchist >capitalist >choose one

Can you clarify what that means? I am looking at it more from the angle of inviting people in as opposed to potentially scaring them away.

Anarchist is without all unjustified authority. Before anybody owned anything all land was shared. The land was then stolen and traded between the powerful of humanity. Authority is what keeps private property private property.