
Oh, I know. It's okay. If you read my article about how my husband's stalker caused me to have to erase eight years worth of freelance writing work and reputation from the internet and start all over again from scratch, you'll know I NEVER write under my married name anymore. Depending on whether I'm writing fiction, business articles and whitepapers for clients, or creative non-fiction, I use three different and distinct surnames, all from my family, but never my married name anymore. Anyone who knows me personally who was searching for me would be hard-pressed to find me anywhere online under my married name. I've checked, and re-check periodically. I don't want that crazy lady finding me again. This great book called "How to Be Invisible" by J.J. Luna allowed me to build my business again and still be online. I use my real first name, but take great care to not appear online with my married name. I don't even use my married surname on Facebook, and I'm only friends there with people I know in real life. I'm super careful. And, I never mention the actual names of anyone I know in these pieces. I just refer to them as "my husband," "my step-son," "my mother," etc.

  1. I read so much of your post, but i have not gotten to this one yet. but, it's on the list.
  2. /bow You are smart as I thought, wasn't sure, now I am ... /smile !

Catch me in chat !