Everybody hates anarchists now

in #anarchism9 years ago

It's 1:20AM (at least where I live) and I'm going through my Facebook feed. You could say it's a regular night. And what do I see?

Let's keep anarchists in the closet

To be clear, it's far from the only thing I have seen on the topic, but since an anarchist I respected shared it, it hit my nerve. Let me quote something from the article:

Meanwhile, abolishing federal agencies, introducing competing  currencies, decriminalizing all drugs (not just marijuana), and  drastically slashing entitlement programs can be shelved for a time when  the voting public is more prepared for such radicalism.

God. Damn.

Look, I really don't care who's the president of the USA. And you shouldn't either. Why? Because as long as there is a president the system is rigged by definition. The old argument goes: but you gotta chose lesser evil. No, you don't. There are many amazing opportunities for our generation to live without government interference. Now, I know most of the people here are smart enough to see all that, so why am I saying this? Because Jeffrey Tucker is the guy who was telling the same thing I just said so many times. Man, he even wrote books on the topic. What happened to him?

The way politics works is you have to be likable by everyone in order to, well, win. So by definition you have to keep every person you think would scare the "public" in the closet. For libertarians that person is called anarchist. After all, we need state because we always had one, am I right guys, am I right? Hell no. "Bbbut we can win this time, we can't allow the anarchist ruin our chances." Even if you win you lose. Even if a person you agree with on 100% of issues wins, you lose.

Have you seen how many attacks there have been lately? How many "Libertarian Party is being ruined by anarchists" comments there have been? And it's weird because many self-proclaimed anarchists have been saying it.

- The Great Triggering 2016

Let's make libertarianism great again

This is more of a rant than anything productive, but it's late and I'm kinda tired.. So I'm going to write weekly articles where I'll put the worst attacks on anarchists I see on social media and we'll have a good laugh together!