Is it immoral to become a cop?

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)


Is becoming a police officer in this day and age immoral? What kind of low life would be against the people who protect us day in an day out? I might be the one to tell you that being against an unaccountable monopoly isnt against the idea of safety nor security.
  Unfortunately for police, legislation is not an exemption from morality. We must hold all accountable for their actions even government officials. However it seems impossible to do so because government investigates itself.


In order to properly give a service of any kind, there must be competition. This is because without competetion there is no incentive to provide the best service. That is why a monopoly on police, law and coercion ends up being immoral.
  Police enforce laws that require violence to be used against peaceful people. Even worse cage them for extended times like animals. You can not be acting morally while caging innocents over orders given to you by a politician.


Police do not speak out against corruption, or unjust laws. If they do, they are usually killed , fired or publically smeared. This is not because of any other reason than the fact we are dealing with an institution of force and corruption.
   For one to be morale they must not kill and extort others. Unfortunately we cannot say our police dont do that. Thousands of arbitrary laws with the sole intent of extortion. Some of these petty extortion tactics have even been the death of citizens.


If you are a cop, you are saying if necessary you will give a death sentence over even the most miniscule misconduct. You are not an agent of security, you are the iron fist of the state. To act with such blatent immorality and disregard for consent is seemingly delusional to do while also trying to claim to be a hero. 


Right, there is a monopoly on the perceived legitimacy of violence by police. As you mentioned, a government-sanctioned monopoly prevents any sort of feedback mechanism from being effective. Without competition and with no way of opting out, there is no need to be accountable to your 'customers'. If someone is a customer of your product whether they want to or not via coercion, there's no need to please any interests outside of the internal agenda.

There is also an argument no moral cops exist because a moral cop would whistle blow an injustice. Doing so would often lead to them quitting or being fired for violating "the blue shield". This would mean any cop is immoral whether in action or inaction. Under this thought, the only potentially moral cops are former ones having realized their wrongs.

Ecactly, amen to that man. Very well put.

To answer the question in one word: Yes.

In one sentence: "Without equality there will be no peace!"
How is it equality if the Police have to overpower you in order to do theyr job.

some interesting points there.

I think its only immoral if you intend on being a crooked cop when you join up.

There are some pretty shitty cops out there but also some pretty good ones. Bad cops are the worst cause of their position of trust and little to no accountability when they break the law. Too many Judge Dredd type guys who've been drinking too much lead laced local water ruining it.

I think if cops were accountable for their crimes there would be mush less problems.

Indeed, if only we could replace them when acting poorly right?