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RE: A Rallying Call to Arms; Stand Up, and Stand Together!

in #anarchism8 years ago

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. I've always hated that saying. haha

They are my ally. Sure, they could be my friend too, but friends have the exact same objectives and are on the same path in life. :)

My main concern is that people who want to be ruled are forcing their rulers on people who do not want to be ruled.

This is one reason I'm looking to leave the USA for a place where the government leaves me alone as long as I do no harm to others or their property.

That's no longer possible here.


Ancient proverbs are so
They are building a spot on Mars for those truly looking to get out from under the 'rulers of the world'. Only way is go above them. To space. All the governments of the world bow to the same king - money. Is there truly any safe haven? I've often wondered that.