FBI Cracking Down on Dictatorship

in #anarchism9 years ago
 James Comey, Director of the FBI, is speaking out again. Issuing another warning on Tuesday about the bureau still not being able to get into encrypted devices.


He says that widespread encryption that is being built into smartphones, is making the area they are in charge of investigating “dark”.


The American People have a reasonable expectation of privacy, in private areas like the home, car, and electronic devices. But these rights are not absolute when the law has probable cause to believe that there is evidence of a crime. Including your laptop, and cellphone.

So essentially snoop at you for any probable use case, that will be used against you.

“We want to lock some people up, so that we send a message that it’s not a freebie to kick in the door, metaphorically, of an American company or private citizen and steal what matters to them. And if we can’t lock people up, we want to call them out. We want to name and shame through indictments, sanctions, or public relation campaigns who is doing this and exactly what they’re doing,” Comey said.

Yup, just another excuse for power and power absolute.

“We are working hard to make people at keyboards feel our breath on their necks and try to change that behavior. We’ve got to get to a point where we can reach them as easily as they can reach us and change behavior by that reach out.”

Indoctrination and manipulation. Lol FBI think they can win trust with the American people. SCUM!



lol comey aint good at hiding his fascist tendencies lol

tyranical FBI panopticon crap