Why Bernie Sanders is an Intellectual Coward

in #anarchism8 years ago

Have you wanted to write something on Steemit that you just know won't trend? This one is mine. I can't stop thinking about writing it so I just have to do it and get it out of my system. Maybe ill be pleasantly surprised? Maybe I should just focus more about the content I write and less about trying to get my first big high paying post.

I hope there are not too many people out there on steemit who are feeling the burn (in a good way). I don't want flags for just offending people. I know how politics can be touchy to some. I do however, feel like the steemit community is full of good people above that sort of crap. Politics is actually something I really like to write about. Mostly I like to write about the insanity of it all.

Venezula is going Hungry

Bernie is a big fan of socialism. Excuse me, it's democratic socialism he believes in. I imagine some PR person told him he had to make that distinction and it wasn't even his own idea. If you haven't heard yet, Democratic Socialism is going so great in Venezula people are crying at the sight of food. Things are going pretty bad over there and they probably won't be getting any better for quite awhile. Now you would think Bernie would be all over this. Because he knows so much about Democratic socialism and he's so sure that is the way of the future. He should be able to explain where Venezuela went wrong. Or at least tell us the difference between Venezuela's Socialism and the socialism he wants to bring over here. Personally, I would argue the USA already is a socialist country but that's for another post.

So what does Bernie have to say on Venezuela?

Feel The Bern

Basically Bernie's response to the question. Is F you. I don't want to say anything because it's going to be picked apart and proven wrong by lots of people. It's gonna make me look bad so I'm just not going to talk about why Democratic socialism is failing somewhere.

That my friends is what you call an intellectual coward. When you say you believe in something so strongly you want to share it with an entire country as the President of the USA. But you don't actually want to address the reality of your own ideas at all as they happen right now.

##Bernie is Anti Establishment But Now Supports Hillary

Bernie was never anti establishment. He's a career democratic politician. He may have been an independent as a senator. But it doesn't mean much when you side with democrats on pretty much everything.

Feel more of the Bern

It wasn't that long ago when Bernie said Hillary was not qualified to be president. So what changed? Nothing changed. What changed was he lost his chance at the presidency so he is now serving the democrats wishes and endorsing her like the good career politician he is.

I hope all the Bernie supporters feel betrayed. I hope they feel stupid. Who Bernie Sanders really is has always been available. His voting record, him being a career politician and not being known for voting no on pretty much everything.

I guess most of all I just want more people to wake up and realize the politicians are not going to save you. Not any of them. They are like a bunch of pilots on board a crashing plane fighting over who gets to steer. It's ideas we need not elections. Things like Steemit and Bitcoin have given me so much hope for the future. Lets get the good idea out there and bern down the bad ones.

#news #writing #steemit #anarchism #economics #video #bernie-sanders #feelthebern #politics


Please socialists: Stop being even more retarded than the anarchists

There is nothing wrong with socialism or capitalism, damage is done by wrong people exploiting holes in every concept.

Every political philosophy has a time and place to be exercised. That is why the heavily (most?) libertarian state of New Hampshire overwhelmingly voted for Bernie.

It is easy to be reactive to buzzwords, I get that. But without context it is simply fear mongering.

Most likely you have driven on a road within the past week, did you like that road? Well, that road was socialist. You damn socialist.

huh exhale Not sure how i feel about this, on one hand BS lead a political revolution as he calls it, and that in turn woke up more people due the shitty voting system and the facade of the two party system which has always sucked, just sucks worse now.

As for his endorsement, bad move but I think he had his hands tied to the DNC since if he runs third party he has no chance, if he plays by the rules maybe he does have a chance of winning. Also, the press and media were slamming him verbally so he didn't have a shot.

He doesn't have a chance of winning BECAUSE he has endorsed Hillary. His hands were not tied. He did what was easy, what was expected of him.

You should first read about party and convention rules (which are complete bullshit). His hands were tied. Had he not endorsed her, he would not be allowed into the convention. Do research first please.

As an aside, his endorsement was one of the most lackluster endorsements in party history. It was the bare minimum.

Just another politician... I supported his call for social and political change. I was always wary he had motivations for a payday. Now it seems apparent that he was interested in that. I see him now as a hypocrite, but I don't feel stupid because I never trusted him in the first place. All he was was a decent alternative. But there's another decent alternative in the race now.

Being someone who has met the man in casual settings, and who used to live about 10 minutes away from his very humble home in the New North End of Burlington VT, i can safely say your assumptions about profit motives are false. He is genuinely someone who wants to help others, and you will only find stories and history about him that reflect this sentiment.

Whether his ideas are valid or not, or are aligned with your personal philosophies is another story entirely, and completely up to debate. But to draw a conclusion based on nothing more than an anecdotal assumption about someone's character is a cocktail of logical fallacy.

That's fair.
So what's he doing with the rest of his campaign donations?

Fair question, with an unfair answer. The rules for the "Democratic National Committee" (or, undemocratic as I like to crack) is that his unspent funds are to be donated to the nominee. Which at this very point, is still undetermined. Considering the Hillary wikileak, the 20+ lawsuits and the fact that she's losing to Trump in all polls, it's not completely impossible the super-delegates will place their votes on Bernie, giving him the nomination at this contested convention. We will know very soon what happens next.

Where I agree with you is here...

I guess most of all I just want more people to wake up and realize the politicians are not going to save you. Not any of them.

look at you agreeing with Bernie, it's kinda cute <3...

And now let me tell you something that no other candidate for president will tell you. And that is no matter who is elected to be president, that person will not be able to address the enormous problems facing the working families of our country.

Moving on to where I strongly disagree with you...

The comparison to Venezuela is false analogy, appeal to emotion and strawman, to name a few. There are a surprisingly large number of other logical fallacies within your argument that I would love to dissect, but it's not worth mine or anyone's time.

Why? You have demonstrated that you resort to judgements based upon a discrepancy between others' and your own beliefs, which is painfully close to the definition of bigotry. With this in mind, the likelihood of thoughtful discussion with you is very slim, because you will most likely fallback on "I am right, you are wrong, and therefor, you are stupid." Ironically, this type of rhetoric is painfully similar to all your projected fears about social democracy

....That said, I would love nothing more than for you to prove me wrong, and surprise the hell out of me with a thoughtful discussion on this topic.

Dear anarchists: Please stop getting more and more retarded with every generation that passes by...

Dear stupidteenboy: please make arguments without the use of logical fallacy.