Anarchapulco 2019 | Working On Two Different Frequencies

in #anarchapulco6 years ago (edited)

Emancipated Human was sponsored by TIMM

If you did not go to Anarchapulco, you really missed out. I am still riding the high from three weeks ago and I can definitely tell you it is the highlight of my year. As a consultant I go to many conferences and this is by far the best. I will try to unpack my experience to the best of my ability, since it falls under the TDV Groups container. I must say I had been looking forward to attending the conference for various reasons, but primarily because I get to talk to all the people I actually like, in person! We get to connect, share food, drinks, experiences, and other things… one can party way over the 2am cut off time enforced in most places in These United States, and we can have all sorts of fun for way cheaper than in any European or US city.

Luis Larken Amanda Sterlin CC.jpg

The Anarchapulco team arranged my flight to leave Dallas on Monday, February 11th around 10am and as I was finding my way to the gate, I found another speaker, Sterlin Lujan and his lovely wife Cecilia. We did not know it at the time but we would be hanging out for the rest of the day together. We had a layover in Mexico City for about 4 hours and I was able to help them out with some issues they had with their boarding passes there.

If you have been to the CDMX airport, you will remember it is full of stores, restaurants, exchanges, boutiques, and even pharmacies… yes, pharmacies. Now, every time I come to Mexico I make a point to buy some nootropics since they are readily available over the counter, even at the airport. So, I went ahead and purchased four boxes of Modiodal, which is “Modalfinil,” a medication to treat sleepiness. But it is way beyond that; if you ever saw a movie called LIMITLESS, you will understand why it is such a big deal. Musicians use it, the military has been using it for a long time, pilots, etc. and of course, it needs a prescription here in the US.


As the Lujans and I made our way through security, I found Larken Rose and Amanda Rachwitz. I decided to startle Larken and I smacked him with my passport. We hugged and talked about how different this airport security was versus the TSA back at home. We did not feel violated, we did not feel like we were guilty of terrorism like the TSA makes you feel, we did not have to go through a microwave and get zapped, and we did not even have to take our shoes off! Such an improvement!

We ended up taking a few beverages in the waiting lounge as our flight to Acapulco was getting ready to board us. Finally we landed in Acapulco and we made a couple of new friends at the airport. Even though it is an international airport, it is quite small and easy to navigate. Quickly I ran to Hertz to get a rental car. This is something I would highly recommend to all of you that rented a car. I just showed up with my driver’s license and a credit card and I was able to get a Volkswagen for the whole week for $4,200 pesos, which is about $220USD. Comparing that to my friend who will remain unnamed, who got a car reservation for a similar deal for at least $150usd higher! I took the Lujans to their hotel, then went to mine to rest and take another shower. It was warm, beautiful and I already was feeling happy to be at the Acapulco Princess, which is a property I have been going to since I was 10 years old or so. So many memories!


That same day I got to connect with a handful of people and around 1:45am I felt hungry. The hotel had closed the restaurants, and Starbucks was also closed. Since I had a rental car, I decided to get out of the resort and go to a restaurant where I got two quesadillas, a side of grilled onions, a small serving of salad, large Jamaica water, and all that for less than $6USD at 2am in dangerous Acapulco. I drove back to the hotel to eat, and decided to call it a day.

For some reason I always wake up early when I am in Acapulco and this trip was not the exception. It was truly great to be awakened by the sunrise and the sound of the waves. Tuesday the 12th was primarily for doing final touches to the presentations, getting some groceries, and connecting with a handful of people. I tried to go to sleep relatively early since the following day I had two presentations, one of them being for The Dollar Vigilante Investment Summit.

Early on Wednesday, I ran down to Starbucks to get a Venti Americano, came back up and prepared for the day. Put my best suit on, chose a shirt and a bowtie, poured myself some 1800 tequila on the rocks for presentation anxiety, and made my way to the grand room where I was greeted by my friend Jeffrey Tucker, the MC of our summit, with a big smile. I went to get wired with the microphone and I was behind the stage pacing back and forth taking deep, long breaths to try to not freak out.

It is funny, I have been doing public speaking for about 13 years and I still get super nervous before hand. As soon as I step on the stage, something switches and I just let the message flow through me. Jeff Tucker was telling me the fear prior to presentation helps with the creative tension and it can be used in our favor. I tend to agree! Seems like, even though before the presentation I want to run away, when I get on stage, I feel more energized and happier. I am a different person on stage. I step out of the way and flow happens.


While I could ballpark, I am not quite sure how many people were there, it was a full room though and it seemed like everyone enjoyed the talk on the TDVGroups and it seemed like it went very well thanks to all the lovely people handling technology and logistics. Thank you!


For some reason I cannot eat before presentations, so afterwards I ran to Verde Vegan. They had a mobile kitchen in the Princess and they heroically fed so many of us there with amazing and nourishing, clean vegan food. I picked up a couple of “roots” juices and went on my way to another location for a second presentation.


Later that evening I went back to the Princess to connect with friends because I thought I was basically done with my speaking gigs, or so I thought… more in a moment.

The next day was for partying, drinking, singing, and connecting with people. I have to tell you that this is not like other conferences where people are perpetually “on” and do nothing else than left-brain stimulus. Here people connect from the heart and we are able to drop our persona, drop our barriers, drop our fears, and truly connect with kindred souls. There is no worry of being taken advantage of, being abused or aggressed against… nothing but fellowship and brotherhood and pure blissful connection. This is a really cherished time of the year for me personally because of this and to put a cherry on top, you get to do it in such a safe and beautiful environment. We talk about personal growth, our inner journey, spirituality, family, travel, and way more than just Austrian Economics books. I can say there is balance.

I squeezed in a couple of interviews, one of them was with our friend Josh F Sigurdson, and another one with my friend Kurt Robinson. I also got to see someone who I have been following for quite a while, David Icke. And I have to be honest, at first I thought having him would be probably counterproductive to the visibility of our conference due to his very extreme views, but I have to hand it to the conference team, because I truly believe it was a home run having him and explaining at length and in detail all the approaches that the powers that were are taking to try to rule.

Throughout the conference I was approached by a lot of people and it is always peculiarly warming to receive gratitude from so many people who claim you’ve made their lives better either by receiving a different or deeper perspective, a product, or just presence. Anarchapulco really brings people together for the betterment of all of us.


So there I was, minding my own business walking towards the conference room around 11:10am and I was approached
by two ladies telling me they were looking forward to seeing my presentation at 11:30am… when I heard them I felt a moment of panic because while I was told I was going to do a second presentation, I never received confirmation. I thanked the ladies and ran to my room to get my computer and immediately went to the AnarcAWAKEN room to do my setup. Thank goodness I was prepared for it.

During my presentation at the Health and Wellness part of Anarchapulco, where I talked about Becoming Divine Within, I shared my experience with San Pedro Cactus in regards to karma and forgiveness… I mentioned that Huachuma showed me that karma is not as complicated as it seems and it mostly follows us because we hold on to it so strongly that anywhere we go we continue the unconscious patterns that give us the results we do not want. I promised to share the Forgiveness Prayer my Akashic Record Reader teacher shared with me and you will find that below.


Also covered how these plants will help us realign ourselves and they do not necessarily change YOU but they show you who you really are. We talked about pain and hurt and how to choose to move on through consciousness. Dysfunctional behaviors were covered and how they are nothing more than a desire to fulfill a deficit of love but in unresourceful ways due to pain, lack of knowledge, shame, etc. and how we can move towards a more empathetic connection as we forgive ourselves and others and show those around us how to do this through storytelling.

I also covered self-defense, and thought patterns and how to focus them. The session went extremely well and had around 200 engaged participants. I felt extremely grateful! You can find the video here. In all transparency, I was having some family issues and I was on the phone for a while trying to solve things at home. Listening, providing perspective, etc. I was already in an introspective mode for a while but something happened on day 3 where everything transformed and I was invited to participate on a 5-MEO DMT ceremony with a shaman from Colombia. He looked at me and asked me to lay low and come back the following evening and fast.

I followed his instructions and I went deep into the inner journey and the following day I met friends who were on a similar vibration and we connected on very spiritual aspects of life and shared experiences that were uplifting and mind-blowing. This was a wonderful set up for the evening when I was supposed to join the Jaguar ceremony. Which is somewhat interesting because the Jaguar has been a spirit that comes to my rescue and helps when I am in ceremonies and I am in difficult situations… needless to say, although nervous, I felt somewhat safe thinking I’d be in that space.

In years past, I had been invited to participate in ceremonies at Anarchapulco being that I played a role in bringing entheogens into the anarchist community and with Jeff but I always had my reservations because my shamanic teachers always taught me to separate party mode from ceremony and until this time around, I could not see how we could be in two different frequencies. I was able to connect with people that were on this different frequency and relate at a deep level. It was definitely powerful and I could see beyond the linear thinking I was on previously.

This opened up a world of possibilities for a different way to celebrate and appreciate Anarchapulco. I was able to see how this conference provides the brain stimulus we seek as Libertarians, the heart connection we need as humans, and the spiritual expansion we need as eternal souls seeking wholeness. During the ceremony we paired up with a partner to take care of one another. Usually on other 5MEO ceremonies, one person does it at a time and this could take a long time, so right off the bat I saw how this was a professional setting and I was pleased.

5MEO in a crystalline form that gets blown into your nostrils creates a very intense experience. My shaman teacher told me that DMT alone is completely overrated because it only lasts 15 minutes and it is difficult to be productive in that amount of time, but that practicing with 5MEO provides at least an hour of work and it is enough to do quite a bit of inner work yet short enough to still have time and energy in the day to do more things.

I ended up doing 3 “blows” and I was able to bring light to a handful of situations I have been dealing with that needed more of my bandwidth but I could not do it alone or it would have taken months to process. While I was nervous about it because I had never done it, once the journey started I felt comfortable because I knew already how to move in that realm/space. And the hour and twenty minutes it lasted was absolutely perfect to work, process, and integrate things. We finished about 30 min after midnight and I went to my room to rest afterwards.


The following day I got to meet a cool person, Sean Stone, the son of Oliver Stone and I saw his presentation. He also brought to light many aspects from the New World Order and not just that, we got to practice Holotropic Meditation guided by him and his girlfriend Kaya Leigh. This was truly transformative and was a piece that continued the work I did
the day before with 5MEO and was the capstone to that specific work I was doing. Holotropic breathwork is something I would definitely recommend also if you are not quite ready for the intake of substances during shamanic ceremonies.


Lastly, I need to make a special comment on the safety of Acapulco… There is a lot of talk about Acapulco being the
4th most dangerous city in the world, and they may be right about that, but we have to keep in mind that Acapulco is divided in 4 parts:

  1. Old Acapulco: where the locals live and work.
  2. Golden Acapulco: where Mexicans tend to vacation.
  3. Diamante Acapulco: the resort area, really secure. Here, Bill Gates had a house, so did Johnny Cash, etc. and Mexican luminaires, and this is where Anarchapulco takes place.
  4. The “Barrio Negro”: where really poor people live or where people in the cartel operate. Needless to say, as
    long as you stay away from this place, you will be more than fine.

Ergo, if we stay in parts 1-3 there is very little to worry about. Not to mention that the conference’s resort offers everything you could possibly need to if you are new to international travel. If you are more seasoned, you could definitely explore outside and even go to the real Acapulco to get cheap everything. I have gone down to the bay and taken my kids and wife to do scuba diving for $500 pesos each, which is like $25USD. We had a great time and back in the States it would have been probably 10x more and we’d have to have a license. Pfff… freedom!
I hope this is helpful for you all and we are looking forward to seeing you next year!

Forgiveness prayer
If there is anyone or anything that has hurt me in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it. If I have hurt anyone or anything in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it. If I have hurt myself knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it. (Asking for the highest good for all).

The healing power of this prayer is limitless. Our past consists of anything prior to “this breath” and “this breath”, etc. Done at the end of the day, it clears all the negativity that builds the walls of separation within us. Working with this prayer for 32 days consecutively has proven, in many cases, to heal insurmountable chasms of pain and separation in relationships with self, God/Spirit/Source, other people and situations in our lives. It’s not necessary to know the root cause; we just have to be willing to forgive. Forgiveness is the key that opens the floodgates of Love.

copyright by Akashic Record Consultants International 2002

Ad Astra,
Luis Fernando Mises

This post was originally my entry for the March Dispatch for The Dollar Vigilante Newsletter and I am posting with permission from @dollarvigilante.

Thanks for reading.


Thank you so much for constantly being an inspiration to so many! I do try to follow your lead and have a great deal of respect for all you do! My sincerest compliments! It was a real pleasure getting to see and talk to you Luis! And time connecting... next time... more time! I promise!

Thanks, Mr. Nimetz. It is always a pleasure to hang out with you. I appreciate the work you do! <3

I also covered self-defense, and thought patterns and how to focus them. The session went extremely well and had around 200 engaged participants. I felt extremely grateful! You can find the video here.

Looks like you forgot to put the link, I think this is it:

Re: Jamaica water. For those not familiar, it's an infusion of hibiscus flowers. The dried flowers are so potent, you don't even need to boil water to make it. You just steep them in tepid water, and after an hour or so, the water is a deep purplish red. It's a good source of iron for vegetarians, and some people even make things like mole de jamaica, baked tacos de jamaica. Delicious!

Here's the conversation we had when you were in Acapulco, talking about how safe it is there, and about shaktipat or receiving a guru's energy, XRP and Mexican food.

Thanks Luis!

haha thanks for linking the presentation, sir! and i really enjoyed our interview

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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Excellent post Luis ! Really makes me want to do a similar thing. I still haven't even gone through all of my videos and photographs. It was great having the chance to connect with you this year. I am sure that we will spend plenty of more time together in the future, we have a great band of brothers in our small anarchist community. I enjoyed the Modalfinil you recommended, I can see how they could be a good tool for public speaking, and other situations that require cognitive clarity. Lets stay in touch and be sure to let me know about us working together on the E-commerce & social network pages. #AnarchyPrevails

Thank you so much, friend. I enjoyed hanging out with you, too! I do want to do the work we talked about. I havent finished my website yet :(

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