Elite Plan to colonize Mars with Prisoners By Amir Fatir and Jamillah Muhammad

in #amirfatir6 years ago

 Master Fard Muhammad taught that Mars and Mercury are inhabited planets. His student, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, said that Mars’ inhabitants lived for 1200 years and that whenever Europeans sent probes to spy on them, the Martians hid from them. Today we’d say they employed stealth technology to alter their frequency so that earth observers would only see an image of desert and desolation. Mr. Muhammad also taught that “History Repeats Itself.”  After half-original man (reptilian-human hybrid) Columbus opened the means of invading the Americas, Europe emptied its prisons by dumping psychopaths, criminals, debtors, and prostitutes (“Puritan Founding Fathers”) onto the North American continent as well as sending them to Australia and New Zealand. The Elite rulers are now working to use the exploding prison population to justify sending convicts to Mars to colonize that planet and kill off its inhabitants the same way Europeans decimated the Native Americans. The lip-service about reducing the prison population is a smoke-screen. People are placed on probation and parole perpetually. That way they can be scooped up whenever the Elite’s overseers decide to depart them…..to Mars. Elon Musk and Richard Branson are spearheading the privatized space slave trade. Laws were changed to prevent people from debt freedom via bankruptcy. The elite are even planning to change laws so that a parent’s debt, at death, is passed to his or her children. People are going to be “born in sin” (i.e., debt). There are thousands in debt prison right now, but the judges cover it up by calling it “commitment due to inability to pay fines and restitution.” In the coming Monopoly Game of super rich feudal lands, you’ll have a choice: Go Directly to Jail or Go Directly to Mars. 

                                          WHAT WILL YOU DO TO BLOCK THEIR EVIL PLAN???