These pear shaped puffball mushrooms are one of my favorites. I like that they are abundant in quantity once you find them, plenty for a meal. Latin name is lycoperdum pyriforme which translates to wolf fart lol.
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These pear shaped puffball mushrooms are one of my favorites. I like that they are abundant in quantity once you find them, plenty for a meal. Latin name is lycoperdum pyriforme which translates to wolf fart lol.
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Wolf fart? Hahaha yeah, they are quickly becoming my favorite! Think I gather some.more for some soup! Yummy!
Keep an eye out for giant ones i often find them nearby in dark soil. These little puffball have more taste thant the giant ones. Here's what i cook with giant puffball shrooms
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Wow! That's awesome! I grew up in Wisconsin and I know we have them growing there, but I haven't seen any in Germany yet. If I do I would love to try them on the grill. But that lasagna looks delish!
I suspect they are in germany since their latin name is langermannia gigantea, someting translating to giant german.
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Oh cool! I will keep my eyes open!